THE CHRONICLES OF ST. TID.• MR. EDEN PEILLYOTTS is a writer of many moods, sombre and jocund, but, apart from his delightful studies of the "human boy," we have seldom known him......
Readable Novels.—an Airman's Wife. (herbert Jenkins. 8s.)...
of the thoughts and fears of a war bride, fears which in the last chapter are only too well justified.— Sins of the Mothers. By Marius Lyle. (Andrew Melrose. 5s.)—This novel......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] Tan FEBRUARY Monestz.nts.—The Nineteenth Century gives the leading place to an admirably clear and......
The Care Of The Wounded : Two Text-books. T It
is not often that one comes across a handbook with such pretty pictures in it as are contained in Miss Waddington's lVhat Every Masseuse should Know.' They are outline drawings,......