We cannot unfortunately find space to deal in detail with
the rest of the debate, but must refer to Mr. Healy's extra- ordinarily trenchant speech. Mr. Healy of course rubbed in the action of the Redmondites. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, bad as his action was for Ireland, could not be blamed, for he was doing it for the first time with the consent of the Irish representatives. The terrible position was that when the Conservative Party came into office, the Irish would not be able to say to them a word of reproach for maintaining these taxes. The Government, he added, and we hold with truth, need not be a bit afraid of Mr. Redmond. They had only to kick him about and he would stand it. Mr. Redmond announced last year "No veto no Budget," but to-day the Irish Party did not count. It was only the Tory Party which counted, and the game of the Tory Party was to let the taxes of this Budget bite and blister the public for another six or twelve months. ' After all this elaborate foolery,• the House of Lords would be stronger than ever, and Ireland would be not one whit nearer Home-rule. After the next General Election the Tory Party would come in, and we should have six years of Toryism. By the time Mr. Redmond reached the age of Methuselah, perhaps he would receive the price of his support of the Budget of 1910.