The Dogaressas Of Venice.t
EUROPEAN chronicles have nothing more curious, more set apart and unique, than the history of Venice, and all the hundreds of books which have been written on that subject do......
Mr. B. B. Rogers's Arlstophanes.* We Are Very Glad To
see another volume of Mr. Rogers's admirable translation. (When we say " translation " we do not forget that we have at the same time a complete edition of the text ; but there......
A Labour Leader.*
Mn. J. WiLsoN, who has represented Mid-Durham in Parlia- ment since 1890, gives us here his autobiography. And, of necessity, he gives us at the same time the story of labour in......
THE AFFAIR OF THE ENVELOPE.t WE are accustomed nowadays to " first novels" which have not a single trace of the novice in their composition,—books • The Knights of Aristophanes.......