The National Union Of Women's Suffrage Societies And The...
Society for Women's Suffrage also held a meeting in London on Tuesday, which was supported by a large number of Associations and Societies in sympathy with the movement. Lady......
The Bill For Amending The King's Declaration Was Intro-...
by Mr. Asquith in the House of Commons on Tuesday. It provides for the omission of the passages offensive to Roman Catholics, so that the new Declaration would read :— "I [then......
Important German Ministerial Changes Were Announced In...
Imperial Foreign Secretary, Baron von Schoen, succeeds Prince Radolin as Ambassador in Paris, and is himself succeeded by Herr von Kiderlen-Wiiehter, the German Minister at......
The Fortnight's Debate In The French Chamber Provoked By M.
Briand's Ministerial declaration was closed by him in another remarkable speech on Monday. Replying to his Radical critics, M. Briand declared that there was no question of......
We Cannot Unfortunately Find Space To Deal In Detail With
the rest of the debate, but must refer to Mr. Healy's extra- ordinarily trenchant speech. Mr. Healy of course rubbed in the action of the Redmondites. The Chancellor of the......
In Other Words, The Suffragist Women Are Not In The
least prepared to accept Mr. Asquith's concession in the spirit in which it was made,—namely, to allow further discussion of the matter. Having inserted the thin end of the......
The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Wound Up The Debate In
a speech• which did not tend to increase the good feeling between the Nationalists and the Government. Incidentally, he mentioned that there were already between 800,000 and......
Lord Cromer Was The Chief Spedker At The Annual Council
meeting of the Women's National Anti-Suffrage League on Tuesday afternoon, Lady Jersey presiding :—" He doubted whether the extreme gravity of the question now ender dis-......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Mr. Asquith Announced
that there is to be an autumn Session. It does not appear, however, as was first rumoured, that this decision is due to the inability of the Conference to find any common......