Pro THE Eorroic or um "SPncr.Toz.'1 was glad to see
the letter of Mr. Thomas Thornely on this subject in your last issue. Advertisements connected with motoring are, I fear, the worst offenders, and I never met a motorist yet who did not object to them. The fact is, every motorist knows the article advertised well enough. If he uses it, the advertisement is useless ; if through some objection he does not use it, the sight of these hideous erections serves rather to increase his objection than to remove it, and so the advertisement is worse than useless. In my own neighbour- hood some of these objectionable advertisements have lately appeared, and I have written to the advertisers saying, that, though I have hitherto used that particular article, I shall use it no longer. I believe •that if other motorists would take the trouble to do likewise, the advertisers would soon come to the conclusion that this form of advertising did not pay, and this intolerable nuisance would come to an end. If nothing is done and the matter is allowed to drift, the beauty of our country roads will soon be a thing of the past.—I am,