INDE1 1 .
ADVOCATES For and Against ... ... 740 Aeroplanes : the New Instrument of War 4.53
Africa (South), the Elections in ... 301 Agenda Club, the ... ... 49 — — an Order of Counsellors ... 594 Air, the Laws of the... ... 959 Aliens, Criminal, in London ... ... 1159 Alps, Southern, in the ... 270 America, Home Life in ... ... 789 — the Future of ... ... 1015 American Politics ...300 Anglo-German Relations 786-787 Animal Life, Floods and 1126 Archer-Shea Case, the 195-269 Army Manoeuvres, the Art of being a King, the ... 121 — of Disappearing, the ... 127 — of Saving, the ... Austria-Hungary and Turkey ... ... 504
BAD Memories ... ... 50 Balfour, Mr., his Speech at Edinburgh ... 545
Bargaining, Collective ... 376 Battleship of the Future, the 8:7 Bell, the Casting of the ... 418 Biography, Working-Class, a Study in ... 1126 Brains, the Value of ... 124 British Islands, Federation for the ... ... 192 Budget, the ...
— the Debate on the... ...
CADET Case, the Naval... _ 195-269
Capital Punishment ... ... 1017 Care of Health, the ... 1161 Caricature, the Spirit of ... Cats, Employment for ... Censorship, the Dramatic ... 549 Children's Gardening ... ... 682 Christianity and Divorce ............697 Collective Bargaining 376 Common-sense and National Indebtedness ... 85 Commons, the Preservation of ... — 899 Conference, World Missionary, at Edinburgh 9 — the Constitutional ... ... 156 — the Break-up of the ...
Constitution, the Decay of the ... ... 1071 Constitutional Convention, the .........737 Copartnership, Social ... ... 451 Copyright Bill, the ... 125 Cotton Dispute, the ... ... 546 Counsellors, an Order of 594 County Inventories 594 Courage and Foolhardiness _. ... 637 Cricket the Eton and Harrow Match ... 91 Criminal Aliens in London... ... ... 1159 Criminology and Common-sense ... ... 1160 Crowned Republic. the ... ... 157 Cynicism, Socialist ... ... 449 DANGERS of Self-Depreciation, the ... 228 ..1.1 Debate, the Budget ... 46 Debate, the Suffrage ... ... 84
Decay a the Constitution, the ... 1071
Demagogues v. Democracy... ... 958 Developing Fluid, the ... 592 Disappearing, the Art of ... 127 Discipline, Schools and 378 Divorce and Christianity ... 897 Dramatic Censorship, the ... ... 549
EDGE of the Wilderness, at the _ ... 381 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference 9 Egypt and the British Occupation ... 450
Election Issues, the ... ... 893 — Personalities_ 960
Elections, the (Decem-iier, 1910) ... 956-1121 Embellishment of London, the ... 1123
Ems Telegram, the ... ... 196 Englishman's Palace, an_ . 90
Eton and Harrow Cricket Match, the ... 91
Europe, South-Eastern, the Outlook in ... 4.5 European Situation, the ... 1156 Expulsion from School ... 195-269
FEDERALIST Fallacy, the .........633
Federation for the British Islands . 192 Finance, Irish, the Bed-Rock of ... 1158 Five Hundred Peers, the ... ... 1157 Floods and Animal Life ... ... 1126 Fluid, the Developing Flying, the Progress of ...
Foreigner, the .- _. ... ... ... _ Forgiveness of Friends, the ... ... ... Foundations of Unionism, the ... ...
Franciscan Vigil, the... ... ... ...
Free-Trade, the Tragedy of ... ...
— — and the West Indies ... ... ...
French Strike, the ... ... ._ ...
— Ministry, the Resignation of the ... ...
GAMEKEEPER, the Modern .........962 Gardening. Children's ... 682 Gentleman, Portrait of a — _ 850
Germany, the Mohammedan Appeal to... ... 678 — British Relations with ... 786-787 German Emperor, his Speech at Konigsberg... 336 — Case, the Answer to the ... 787 — Notes on England... ... 1073 Gifts, What We May Receive as . . ... 232 Government, the Need to Get Rid of the ... 632 Gratitude, Oblique ... 1018
HAPPINESS, the Search for ... ... 416 Hardie, Mr. Keir, his Denunciation of
the Monarchy 157 Health, the Care of ... ... 1161 Hindus and Mohammedans 303 Home Life in America _ ... 789 Home-Rule, the Moderate Liberals and ... 1014 — — All Round . ... 1069 Honour of Meeting, the ... 898 Houndsditeh Murders, the 1123
Hour, the Need of the ... ssa
Humour, Old-Fashioned ... .„ „. 680 592 304 740 10 268 676 89 231 507 589 738 IDLENESS, the Cost of 961 "Immortal Speech," an 635 Income-Tax, the King and the ... ... 194 Indebtedness, National, and Common-sense ... 85 India, British Rule in ... ... 120 Instinct, the Weather ... ... 1019 Instrument of Policy, War as an ... 47 — of War, the New ._ ... 453 Insurance against Infirmity... 783 International Socialist Congress at'Copenhagen 377 Inventories, County ... 594 Irish Railways and Irish Prosperity ... ... 159 — Finance, the Bed-Rock of ... 1159 JOURNALISM and the Universities ... 450
KILL, the Temptation to ... ... 162 King Edward Memorial in Loudon, the 790
King, the, and the Income-tax 194 King, the Art of being a 121 Kitchener, Lord ... 122
LABOUR and Liberty ... — 300 Labour Party, the Commission Sent to Germany by the ... 124
Land Inquisition, the _ 337 Land-Taxes Conference of Mr. Lloyd George ... 414 Laws of the Air, the... ... 959 Liberal Party, the, and the Osborne Judgment 547 Liberals, the Moderate, and Home-Rule ... 1014 Life and Death, 'Twixt 849 Lloyd George, Mr., his Second Budget.- ... 4 — — his Land-Taxes Conference... ... ... 414 — — at the City Temple 635
— — on Old-Age Pensions ... 679 " Lloyd-Georgism "...............896 Lodge, Sir Oliver, his Address to the British
Association ... 379 London, the Embellishment of ... 1123 Lords, the, and, the Conference ... 156 — the Opportunity of the ... 844 — the Reform of the... ... ... 892 Low Valuation, the Tyranny of — ... 739 Lurcher, the Poacher's—a.Night Scene in Arden 51
IVTANCEITVRES, the Army ...505
Medicine at Westminster 550 Meeting, the Honour of — ... 898 Memorial, the King Edward, in London ... 790 Memories, Bad _ 50 Military Spirit, the, and Pragmatism — 380 Missionary Conference, World, at Edinburgh 9 Moderate Liberals, the, and Home-Rule ... 1014 Mohammedans and Hindus ... 303 Mohammedan Appeal to Germany, the ... 678 Montenegro, the Kingdom of ... 339 Murders, the, at Houndeditch ... 1122 Museums, Open-Air, Vandalism and ... ... 233 ATIONAL Indebtedness and Common.
Naval Cadet Case, the ...
Need of the Hour, the ... Newfoundland Arbitration, the ... New Zealand Alps, in the ... Nightingale, Florence, the Genius of ... " Noodle's Oration "...
OOBLIQUE Gratitude ... 1018 Odes of Solomon, the Old-Age Pensions, Mr. Lloyd George on ... 679 Old-Fashioned Humour
Open-Air Museums, Vandalism and ... Opportunity of the Lords, the ...
Orator, St. Paul as ...546
Order of Counsellors, an ... 594 Osborne Judgment, the, and the Labour Party 300 — — and the Trade-Union Congress ... 413 — — Socialist Cynicism ... — — the, and the Liberal Party... ... — — the Essentials of the... ...
Outlook in South-Eastern Europe, the Out-of-Doors in the Schoolroom ... Oxford, Reform at ...
PAINT, the, and the Picture ... Palace, an Englishman's Passages, Subterranean ...
Patriotism, the Persistence of ...
Payment of Members, the Unionist Party and 412 Peers, the Five Hundred ... ... 1157 Personalities, Election ... 960 Pilgrims' Way, t_ -he 510 Pius K. and his Minister 415 Plague, Rats and the... ... ... 1162 Poacher's Lurcher, the—a Night Scene in51
Arden Political Situation, the 44-7.36-1068
Poll of the People, the Stock Objections to a... 1012 Poor Law Report, Socialists and the ... 591 Portrait of a Gentleman ... „, 850 Portugal, the Revolution in ... .„ 544
Pragmatism and the iiilita.ry Spirit ... ... 380 Preservation of Commons, the ... 899
Prison Reform... ... ... 158 Prizes, Second... ... 303 Punishment, Capital... ... 1017
QUAKERS, the ... 160 RAILWAYS, Irish, and Irish Prosperity . .... 159
Rat-Catchers . 742 Rats and the Plague ... ... 1162 Real Lady, a ... — ... 10 Receiving Gifts (What We May Receive) _ 232 Referendum, the .-_ 145-1013 — the Best-Known Objection to the — 193 — the Objections to the ... 1199-1012 Reform at Dxfoid. ... 338 Republic, the Crowned ...- - 157 Reserve, the Veteran—How to 'Organise and Resignation of 'the French the ... 738 195-269 ... 376 ... 270 266 ... 1013 ... 547 ... 847 ... 1016 ... 45 ... 199 ... 90 ... 681 Revolution in Portugal, the Righteousness, Ideals of ...
Riots, the Welsh ... Rochette Affair, the ... Rooks, the Ways of ... Rural Life, the Problem of... Russian Politics
ST. CATHERINE'S Rock St. Paul as Orator ...
••• •• • • • • • •• • -• • •- ••• ••• •• • • • •
School, Expulsion from ... Schoolroom, Out-of-Doors in the Schools and Discipline ... Saving, the Art of ...
rrIE14PTATION to Kill, the ... 1 Texts Thunder Stroke, the...
Tibetan Problem, the ... Tolstoy, Count, the Influence of ... — — the Flight of _
Trade-Union Congress, the... ...
Trafalgar, the Teachings of ... Tragedy of Free-Trade, the ... Turkey and the Triple Alliance ... — and Austria-Hungary — the Political Situation in Turkish Loan, the ...
'Twixt Life and Death UThSTER, an Appeal to ... 1120
Unionism, the Foundations of ... 676 Unionist Party, the, and Payment of Members 412 — Alternative to Single-Chamber Government 892 Universities, Journalism and the... ... 450
VALUATION, the Universal ... 265
Valuation, Low, the Tyranny of ... 739 Vandalism and Open-Air Museums ... 233 Vatican, Spain and the ... ... 230 — the Policy of the ... 506 Veteran Reserve, the—How to Organise and
WAR as an Instrument of Policy.. .. . 47 War, the New Instrument of . ... 453 Weather Instinct, the ... ... 1019 Wellman, Mr. : his Attempt to Fly the Atlantic 637 Welsh Riots, the
West Indies, the, and Free-Trade _ ... 507 What We May Receive ... ... 232 Wilderness, at the Edge of the ... 391 Wind, the Waste of the ... ... 791 Woman Snpertramp, a ... 1073 Workers, the, What is Wrong with Them ? ... 590 Working-Class Biography, a Study in ... ... 1126 POETRY.
After the Visit (Thomas Hardy) ... ... ... 242 After Trinity (J. Meade Falkner) ... ... 1134 Colour (Dorothea Mackellar) ... ... ... 647 Crooked-Heart (James Stephens) ... ... 58 David and Winston ; or, The Poisonous Fruit (Henry Newbolt) ... ... ... ... 1026 De-National Anthem, the ..........974 Ford, the (Marna Pease) ... ... ... 518 For England (John Freeman) ... ... 1081 Garden Fountain, the (Mania Pease) ••• 693 Grannie's Boy (J. E. M. Barlow)... ... 206 "Ireland's Eye" (William Watson) ... 424 King, the Death of the (R. T. Chandler) 97 Life, a.. ... 277
London (Wilfred(WilfredL. Randall) ..: ::: 750
Moriturus to Salutat (Anna Bunston) ... 557 797
Old England (Horace Smith) ... ..Get
Plough. the (Will Ogilvie) ... ... ... 315 Polish Rider, the (F. Warre Cornish) ... 132 Question, a (William H. Draper)... ... 350 Rhyme of the Road, a (Katharine Tynan) .. 391 Sing a Song of Statesmen (Henry Newbolt) ... 905 Sir Pedivere (Moray Dalton) ... ... ... 859 South Wiltshire (Pamela Tennant) ... .. 1170 Thim that Thravels on their Feet (W. M. Letts) 463 Titania in the Hayfield ... ... ... ... 19
White Heather (Mildred Huxley) ... ... 1 9 70 05
Chinese and Japanese Paintings, the, at the
Grafton Gallery, the... Hunt, William Holman ...
Hyde, Mr, his Water-Colours of London New English Art Club, the... ... New Turner Gallery, the ...
Portrait Painters, the ... Raebuin'S Portraits . . .
Sambourne, the Art of
Self-Depreciation, the Dangers of Shakespeare and the Sea ... Shrine, an Almost Forgotten ... Shyness of the Superior, the ... Single-Chamber Government, the Alternative to ... Situation, the Political ... Sky, Our English Slavery and Portugal Sleeping Out ...
Sluggish South, the ...
Social Copartnership... ... Socialist Cynicism — Congress, the International, at Copenhagen Socialists in Council... ...
Solomon, the'Odes of . . South-Eastern Europe, the butlook in... Southern Alps, in the ... Spain and the Vatican ... Spencer, Lord ...
Starling, the (Portrait of a Gentleman) Strike, the French ...
Subterranean Passages ... Suffrage Debate, the... ...
Supertra:ap, a Woman ... 848 ... 735 ... 86 ... 1075 7 "• ... 5 ... 128 548 198 ... 195-269 199 378 303 228 ... 1124 453 840 Unionist 892 ... 44-736-1068 342 588 305 741 451 449 377 591 637 45 270 ... 681 ... 1073 1E7 ... 162 ... 508 ... 163 ... 816 ... 413 231 264 504 895 ... 1070
797 424 793 906 132 518 906 242 MUSIC.
Accompanists and Singers-
Ballads, a Century of 972
Leeds Festival, the ... ... 647 ... 1134 THE THEATRE.
Lysistrata in John Street ... 604 BOOKS—Authors.
ABRAHAII, G. D.—Mountain Adventures at Home and Abroad ... ... 394 Acton, Lord—Lectures on the French Revolu-
Andreyev, L. N.—Silence, and other Stories... 653
A, aeU, Norman—The Great Illusion ... 908 Arbuthnot, Alexander J.—Memories of Rugby
Argyll, Duke of, ed. by—Intimate Society
Letters of the Eighteenth Century ... ... 246 Arnold-Forster, Mrs.—The Bight Hon. H. 0.
Arnold-Forster 860 .Ashdown, Mrs. C. H.—British Costume during Nineteen Centuries ... 468 Anlard, A.—The French Revolution ... 607
BACKHOUSE, E., compiled, itc., by—China under the Empress Dowager ... ... 649 Baird, J. G. A., ed. by—Private Letters of the Marquess of Dalhousie ... 695 Baker, B. Granville—The Walls of Constanti- nople
Beec • g, Canon, ed. by—Prayer-Book Re.
Belloc, H.—On Something ... ... 697 Bergson, Henri—Time and Free Will ... 465 Blackie, John Stuart—Notes of a Life ... ... 1031 Bland, J. 0. P., compiled, &c., by—China under the Empress Dowager ... ... 649 Blennerhassett,Lady—Louis XIV. and Madame de Maintenon ... 1173 Bourdillon, F. W.—Ode in Defence of the Bowles, T. Gibson—Sea Law and Sea Power ... 1083 Brassey, T. A., ed. by—The Naval Annual, Bridge, Sir Cyprian—Sea Power, and other Studies .- _
Browne, E. G.—The Persian Revolution of
Bruce, H. A.—Daniel Boone and the Wilder- Buck, I. A.—Cleburne and his Command ... 429 Budge, E. Wallis—The Book of the Dead, Ac. 561 Bonen, F. T.—Told in the Dog Watches ... 63 Hussy, F. M.—Irish Conspiracies._ ... 427
CAMERON, A. T.—Radiochemistry ... 492 Cashmore, Adeline, selected, Ac., by— The Mount of Vision ... ... 911 Chesterton, G. K.—What's Wrong with the
Chiral, Valentine—Indian Unrest ... 10e2 Clowes, R. Laird, ed. by—The Naval Pocket.
Corbett, J. S.—The Campaign of Trafalgar ... 133 Cullen, Alex.—Adventures in Socialism ... 318 TAARTON, F. J. Harvey, ed. by—Mrs. Sherwood ... ... 173 Dawbarn, C. Y. C.—The Social Contract ... 176 Deis smann, Adolf—Light from the AncientEast 831 Doumic, Rene—George Sand ... ... 560 Dowden, Edward—Essays, Modern and Eliza- Dunn-Pattison, R. P.—The Black Prince ... 487 Dyson, C. C.—The Life of Marie Amelia ... 321
EGGLESTON, G. C.—The History of the Confederate War ... ... 489 Emerson, E. W., ed. by—Journals of Ralph
Waldo Emerson ... ... 939
FA.Gi0ET, Emile—Le Culte de l'Incompe. 350 ranee Feuillerat, A.—John Lyly ... 391 Firth, C. H.—The House of Lords during the
Fitzgerald, M. IL—Poems of Robert Southey 22 Formby, J.—The American Civil War ... ... 489 Fortescue, J. W.—A History of the British
Fox, Frank—Australia 1026
— — Ramparts of Empire... ... ... 610 Frazer, J. G.—Totemism and Exogamy ... 172 Fuller, Sir Bampfylde—Studies of Indian Life and Sentiment 135
GALSWORTHY, John—A Motley 63 Galton, Arthur, trans. by—The Religion
Gladstone, W. E.—Butler's Works ... 519 Grant, M. H.—History of the War in South Africa, Vol. IV. 213 Graves, C. L.—Life and Letters of Alexander trice, J. W.—Relations between the Central and Local Authorities in England, France,&c. 490 Griffin, W. Hall—The Life of Robert Browning 1027
HAILE, Martin—The Life of Cardinal Pole 719 Haldane, R. B.—Universities and National Life ... 1086
Hamer, S. H.—The Dolomites ... 394 Hamilton, Ian—Compulsory Service ... 975 Harden, Maximilian—Itopfe ... 976 Hare, Christopher—Charles de Bourbon ... 832 Haring, C. H.—The Buccaneers in the West Headlam, Cecil—Walter Headlam ... 279 — Walter, trans., Ac., by—Agamemnon of Herbert, E. G.—Newaera ... 802 Hills, Ellen—Reigate Sheet of the One-inch Ordnance Survey ... ... 491 Hirst, W. A.—Argentina ... ... 100 Hobhouse, Walter—The Church and the World in Idea and in History ... 818 Hobson, J. A.—A Modern Outlook ... ... 696 Holdich, Sir Thomas—The Gates of India ... 316 Hudson, W. H.—A Shepherd's Life ... 650
TNGRAM, J. H.—The True Chatterton ... 910 .1. Irvine, Alexander—From the Bottom Up 245 ejAhgiterNo drman G. B.—The Charm of 23 Jane, F. T., ed. by—Fighting 19-1.11 ... 60 Jayne, K. G.—Vasco da Gama and his Suc-
cessors ... 1137 Johnston, Sir H.—The Negro in the New World . .
Jourdan, ihilija-:-Ceeil Rhodes KEtte11 R. T.— Tbeocritus in English -
King, Rudyard—Re" - wardi
Kipling, and ... 557 T AMPSON, Mrs. G. Locker, ed., Ac., by—
A Quaker Post-bag ... 720
Lawton, Frederick—Baizac 694
Leacock, Stephen—Literary Lapses ... ... 61 Leith, Mrs. Disney—The Children of the Chapel 1:61 Lluria, E.--Superarganic Evolution ... 101 Loch, C. S.—Charity and Social Life ......103 Lodge, R.—The History of England from the
Restoration to the Death of William III. ... 280 Lucas, R.—Lord Gleneak and the Morning Post 58 MacCARTHY, D., ed. by—Lady John McComb, S.—The Christian Religion as a
Hea1ng Power...............829 Mackail, J. W.—Lectures on Greek Poetry 859 Macphail, Andrew—Essays in Fallacy ... 136 Maitland, J. A. Fuller—Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians ... 466 Malabari, P. B. M.—Bombay in the Making ... 467 Markham, Sir Clements—The Incas of Peru ... 1138 Mathews, S.—The Gospel and the Modern Man 653 Mayo, Isabella Fyvie—Recollections of What
Michell, Sir Lewis—Cecil John Rhodes ... 974 Minchin, H. C., ed., Ac., by—Robert Browning 1027 M011VI"enlay, W. F.—The Life of Benjamin
Muir, Ramsay—Peers and Bureaucrats... ... 652 Munsterberg, Hugo—Problems of To-day ... 463 Murat, Princess Caroline—My Memoirs ... 210 ATEVILL, Lady Dorothy—Under Five Reigns 520 _LI( Nicoll, W. Robertson—The Expositor's Greek Testament ... ... 610 'BRIEN, W.—An Olive Branch in Ireland O
PEAKY, R. E.—The North Pole ... 801 Petrel, F. Loraine—Simon Bolivar " El Podmore, Frank—The Newer Spiritualism ... 60a
Polley, J. B.—Hood's Texas Brigade 489 falTINTON, R. F.—Crime and Criminals ... 609
RADZIWILL, Princess, ed., Ac., by—
Memoirs of the Duchesse de Dino ... 830 Raleigh, Walter—Six Essays on Johnson ... 752 Rawson, Maud Stepney—Bess of Hardwick ... 489 Reid, G. Archdail—The Laws of Heredity ... 101 Reynolds, Stephen—Alongshore 863 Rivoira, G. T.—Lombardic Architecture .. 352 Roosevelt, Theodore—African Game Trails ... 606 Bosebery, Lord—Chatham... ... 907 Rothstein, Theodore—Egypt's Ruin ... ... 799 Round. J. Horace—Peerage and Pedigree ... 464 Routledge, Mr. and Mrs.—With a Prehistoric Russell, A., ed. by—Lady John Russell ... 1139 SAINTSBURY, G.—A History of English Samuel, Arthur —Piranesi Seeger, H. R.—Social Insurance ... Senancour, E. P. de—Oberman Seton, E. Thompson—Life-Histories of the Northern Animals ... 423 Seymour, F.—Up Hill and Down Dale in 20 609 - Sophie S.--Dean Swift ... Snead-Cox, J.—The Life of Cardinal Vaughan Stilwell, F. Melian—Homer and the Iliad ... Straus, Ralph—Robert Dodsley 4:25 Steuart, A. F., ed. by—News Letters of 1715-16 134 246 521 98
TEMPERLEY, H. W. V .—Senates and 751 Upper Chambers Thomson, J. M. Archer—Climbing in the 394 Ogwen District ... Thurston, E.—Castes and Tribes of Southern 59 Tolstoy, Leo—Three Days in the Village ... 754
Trowbridge, W. it H.—Cagliostro ... 559 Tucker, T. G.—Life in the Roman World of Nero and St. Paul ... 1085 TXTEALE, B. L. Putnam—The Conflict of 1136 Weigall, A. E. P.—The Life and Times of 353 Wilson, John—Memories of a Labour Leader 25 Winslow, L. Forbes—Recollections of Forty 523 Wolff, H. W.—People's Banks ... 21 Worcester, E.—The Christian Religion as a 829 Healing Power BOOKS—Subjects.
A BSENTE Reo—Macmillan (pub.) ...
Africa, British Empire in, a History and Description of the—Sir H. H. Johnston 523 170 Africa, South, History of the War in, Vol. IV. 243 606 African Game Trails—Theodore Roosevelt ... 944 — (South) Bibliography, a—S. Mendelssohn Agamemnon of Aeschylus—Trans., Ac., by 753 Agricultural Bacteriology—J. Percival ... 723 Aklanaton, Pharaoh of Egypt, the Life and Times of—A. E. P. Weigall ... 353 A-ki-kft-yn, the, of British East Africa—Mr. and Mrs. Scoresby Routledge ... 209 Alongshore—Stephen Reynolds ... ... 863
American Civil War, the—J. Formby ... ... 489 Animals, Northern,eto Life Histories of the—
Thompson Bn 488
974 351 208 1021 941 23 651 Shaw, Rafael—Spain from Within ... 393 Sichel, Edith Gathered Leaves from the Prose of Mary E. Coleridge ... Smith, Henry—From Constable to Com- Architecture, Lombardie—G, T. Rivoira ... 352
Argentina—W. A. Hirst ...... ... 100 Aristophanes, the Knights of—Trans., Ac., by B. B. Army, British, a -History of Arnold-Forster, the Hon. H. 0.—
Arnold (pub.) 860 Australia—Frank Fox 10.6
— J. Foster Fraser ... 24-8
Authorities, Central and Local, in England, France, &c.—J. W. trice... 480 Avon, the, and Shakespeare's Country—A. G.
BACTERIOLOGY, Agricultural : 'Theoreti- cal and Practical—J. Percival 13aedeker's Guides : Great Britain—Unwin (pub.) Ballads, a 'Century of--HarOld Simpson ... 972
Balzac—Frederick Lawton...
Banks, People's—H. W. Wolff ._ 21 Becket, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury— W. H. Hutton. . 468 Black Prince, the—R.- P. Dunn-Pattison 9S7
Bolivar, Simon, " El Libertador "—F. Loraine
Bombay in the Making-g—P.3. M. 'Malabar[ ... 467 Bookselling, the Romance of—F. A. Mumby ... 1140 Boone. Daniel, and the Wilderness Road—H. A. Bruce - Bourbon, aharies de:2Christophor Hare ... at: Browning, Robert, the Life of—W. Hall Griffis 1027 Buccaneers, the, in the West Indies—C. H.
Haring Buckinghamshire, Highways and i3y ways in—
Clement Shorter ... _ _ 217 Business Firm, the Nation as a—W. H. Mallock 941 Butler's Works—W. E. Gladstone ... 519 CABINETMAKER and Upholsterer's Guide, the—Intro, by A. Hayden ... _ 942 Cagliostro—W. R. H. Trowbridge ... 559 Campaigns in Europe since 1792. a Short His- tory of the Chief—Trans. by K. B. Ferguson 24 Canada, Yesterday and To-day in—Duke of
Argyll Castes and of §o.uthernhurs- Caxton Shakespeare, the—Ed. by Sidney Lee... 1087 Central and Local Authorities in England, France, Belgium, and Prussia during the Nineteenth Century—J. W. trice 490 Challoner, Bishop, the Life and Times of—
E. H. Burton . ... 177 Charity and Social Life—C. N. Loch ... ... 102 Chitelet, Madame du—Frank Hamel ._ 978
Chatham his Early Life and Connections—
Lord Rosebery 907 Chatterton, the True—J. H. Ingram 910 Cheshire, Old, Memorials of—Ed. by E. Barber 321 Children of the Chapel—Mrs. Disney Leith ... 561
CHILDREN'S BOOKS ... 1029 China: its Marvel and Mystery—T. H. Liddell 523 — under the Empress Dowager—Compiled, Ac., by J. 0. P. Bland and E. Backhouse 619 Christian Religion, the, as a Healing Power— E. Worcester and S. McComb ... 829 Church, the, and the World in Idea and in
History—Walter Hobhouse 319 Cleburne and his Command—I. A. Buck ... 489 Coleridge, Mary E., Gathered Leaves from the Prose of—Edith Sichel
Colour, the Conflict of—B. L. Putnam Weale 1136 Commons, Forests, and Footpaths—Cassell CompulsoryService Service—Ian Hamilton _ 975 Confederate War, the History of the—G. C.
Constable, from, to Commissioner—Henry Constantinople, the iVall; of—B. Granville
Constitution and Government, the British—
H. Harris _ _ 1071 Contract, the Social—C. Y. C. Dawbarn ... 176 Cornwall Coast, the—A. L. Salmon ... 912 Costume, British, during Nineteen Centuries —Mrs. C. H. Ashdown ... ... 468 Cotton Trade, the History of Wages in the — G. IL Wood .- _ 698 Crime and Criminals, 1876-1910—R. F. Quinton 609
DALHOlISIE, Marquess of, Private Letters
of the—Ed. by J. G. A. Baird ... 695 Dead, the Book of the, Se.—E. Wallis Budge 561 Diary of a Nobody, the—G. and W. Grossmith 680 Digby, Sir Kendal, the Closet of, Opened—Ed. by Anne Hacdonell . ... 1141 Dino, Duchesse de, Memoirs of the—Ed. Ac.,
by Princess Radziwill 830 Disraeli, Benjamin, the Life of—W. F. Many-
Doctor, and the 'Statel-S. and B. Webb ... 282 Dodsley, Robert—Ralph Straus -. ... 521 Dogaressas of Venice, the—E. Staley ... 24 Dog Watches, Told in the—F. T. Sullen ... 63 Dolomites, the—S. H. Hamer ... 394 Dooley, Mr. What he Says—Heinemann (pub.) 802
EDISON—F. L. Dyer and T. C. Martin ... 1031
Egypt—Gaston Maspero ...1087 Egypt's Ruin—Theodore Rothstein_ 799 Eighteenth Century, Intimate Society 'Letters of the—Ed. by the Duke of Argyll .- 246 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Journals of—Ed. by E. W. Emerson, 64e. — ... 939 England, the History of, from the Restoration to William III.-14. Lodge ... ... 280 — the Political History of—Longmans (pub.) 827 — Wake Up !—Edward Prince ... all English Invasion of Germany—D. Nutt (pub.) 522 Essays, Modern and Elizabethan—Edward Dowden..................103 Estates, Building, the Development of—T.
Bright ... 395 Eton in Prose and Verse:IS- elected by A. C.
Etruria, ineient Ancient, Up Hill and Bown b
ll Dale in
—F. Seymour Evolution, Superorganie—E. Lluria ... 101 Expositor's Greek Testament, the—Ed, by
W. Robertson Nicoll 610
FALLACY, Essays in-Andrew Macphail... 136 Farthest West-C. R. Enock 1177 Federalism and Home-Rule--Murray (pub.) ... 1171 Finance, National and Local-J. W. Once ... 490
Franciscan Days of Vigil-R. de Bary 89 Free Will and Time-Henri Bergson 465 FRENCH BOOKS, Some Modern ... 683 French Revolution, the-A. Anlard ... 607 - - Lectures on the-Lord Acton ... 1172
French, Works to Crise Anglaise, la-Philippe Millet .- 137 - Culte de ('Incompetence, le-Emile Faguet 350
- John Lyly-A. Feuillerat 391 From the Bottom Up-Heinemann (pub.) ... 245 Furniture, English, of the Eighteenth Century
GGAMEKEEPER'S Note-book, a-Owen Jones Gaol-Birds, Young-C. E. B. Russell _. ... 1160 Gardening, My First Book about-Nelscn (pub.) Gardens, Children's, 'ler Pleasure, &c.-H. G.
- Little. for Boys and Margaret ... 683 Gascon Royalist, a, in Revolutionary Paris- Mrs. R. Stawell _ _ ... 943 Gaskell, Mrs.-Mrs. Ellis H. Chadwick ... 431 Gatacre, General-Beatrice Gatacre 63 Germany, English Invasion of-D. Nutt (pub.) 522 German, Work in :-
- Harden.........976 Glenesk, Lord, and the Morning Post-B. Lucas 58 Gospel, the, and the Modern Man-S. Mathews 653 Greek Lands and Letters-F. G. and A. C. E.
Allinson _.. _ . . 1313
- Poetry, Lectures on-J. Mackail ... 859 - Saints and their Festivals-M. A. Hamilton 284 Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians,
Vol. V.-J. A. Fuller Maitland... ... 436
ITARDWICK, Bess of, and her Circle- Maud Stepney Rawson _ ... 489 Ileadlam Walter : Letters and Poems-Cecil HeadIaL..-_ 279 Hebrews, the Rpistle to the-Intro., &e., by
E. C. Wickham ... _ 430 Heredity, the Laws of-G. Archdall Reid ... 101 History, Political, of England-Longmans
(pub.)... _ _ 827 Hittites, the Land of. the-John Garstang ... 103
Home Life in America-K. G. Bushey ... 789 Home-Rule and Federalism-Murray (pub.) ... 1171 Homer and the Iliad-F. Mellen Stawell 425 Hood's Texas Brigade-J. B. Polley.. _. 489 Housing and Town-Planning Act, 1910:Hand-
book to the-W. Thompson ... 395 IILLUSION, the Great-Norman Angell _ 908 Incas of Peru, the-Sir Clements Markham 1138 Incompetence, the Cult of-Emile Faguet ... 350 India, British, Administrative Problems in- I. Chailley _ 176
- Southern Castes and Tribes of-E. Thurston 59 - the Gates of-Sir Thomas Holdich .. 316 Indian Life and Sentiment, Studies of-Sir Bampfylde Fuller ... 135 - Unrest-Valentine Chirol ... 1082 Indian, My Friend the-James McLaughlin ... 396 Infantry, Night Operations for-C. T. Dawkins 1176 Insurance, Social-H. R. Seeger_ ... 941 Interviews, lmagirary-W. D. Howells ... 898 Ireland, an Olive Branch in, and its History-
Irish Conspiracies-F. 427 Irvine, Alexander, the Life Story of-Heine- Israel, the Religion of--'Prans. by 'Arthur
Gallon... 1028
JAPAN, Old, the Story of-S. H. Longford 355 Japanese Colour-Prints-W. von Seidlitz 942 Johnson, Six Essays on-Walter Raleigh ... 752 LABOUR Leader, Memories of a-John
Land Taxes, the New- T. B. Napier 315 - Values, the Taxation of, under the Finance Act, 1910, &c.-E. S. Cox-Sinclair, &c. ... 395 Lex in Corde-W. E. Barnes _ 653 Life, Notes of a-John Stuart Blatkie ... 1031 Light from the Ancient East-Adolf Deissmann 831 Letters, Intimate Society, of the Eighteenth Century-Ed. by the Duke of Argyll... ... 246 Lightning and the Churches-A. Hands ... 163 Literary Lapses-Stephen Leacock ... 61 Lombardic Architecture - G. T. Bivoira ... 352 London-A. R. Hope Monenieff ... 654 Lords, the House of, during the Civil War- Louis X.IV. and' illada;ne de Maintenon-Lady Blennerhassett . . ... 1173 Lyly, John-A. Feuillerat 391
MACMILLAN, Alexander, Life and Letters of-C. L. Graves ... _ 604 McNeill, Rt. Hon Sir John, G.C.B., Memoir of the-Murray (pub.)... 317 Maintenon, Madame de, and Louis XIV.- Lady Blennerhassett ... 1173 Maitland, Frederic William--H. A. L. 'Fisher 103 MAGAZINES, the ... 63-211-356-562 755-103,1 Mallon, John, P.ecollections of-F. M. Bussy 427 Manchurian Battles, Sketches of-A. I. R.
Ai in, What is 7-Mark Twain ... ... 1030
hiark Twain, My-W. D. Howells . 864 Marquise, an Eighteenth Century-Frank Hamel 978 Matterhorn, Ode in Defence of the-F. W.
Bourdillon'_ _ 391
Mayo, Isabella' Fyvie, Recollections of- Memoir
Memoirs, My-Princess Caroline Murat _. 210 Mendelssohn's South African Bibliography-S. Mendelssohn 944 Mind, the Phenomenology of-G. W. F. Hegel 1141 Mond Collection, the-J. P. Richter _ ._ 697 Monumental Effigies, Wooden, in England and Wales-A. C. Fryer ... ... 942 Motley, a-J. Galaworthy _- .- 63 Mountain Adventures at Home and 'Abroad Mount of Vision, the-Selected by Adeline
NATION, the, as a Business Firm-W. H. Mallock Nature Study, /Iow to Teach-T. W. Roare ... 199 Natural History Books, lc. :- - African Game Trails-Theodore Roosevelt 606 - Airy Way, the--G. A. B. Dewar . . ... 940
- Alpine Flowers and Gardens--G. Flemwell 493 - Alpine Flowers and Rock Gardena-W. P.
Wright ._ ... 940 - Animals of North America-E. Thompson 488 - Ants-W. M. Wheeler . _ 319 - Bear, the Black-W. H. Wright ... 940 - Birds, a History of-W. P. Pycraft ... 319 - Birds, British, Eggs and Nests of-F. Finn 319 - Birds, Indian-Douglas Dewar ... ... 319 - Birds of Burma, the-H. H. Harington 319 - Birds of Dumfriesshire-H. S. Gladstone 940 - California, the Channel Islands of -C. F.
Holder ... - - 722 - Charlton Hunt (Old), Records of-Earl of 430 - Cheshire and Liverpool Bay, Vertebrate
Fauna of-T. A. Coward _ _ 319
- Concealing-Coloration in the Animal King-
dom-G. H. Thayer . 319 - Creel, an Open-H. T. Sheringham ... 722 - Dry-fly, the Book of the-G. A. B. Dewar... 722 - Fur Folk, Lives of the-M. D. Haviland940
- Grouse and Grouse Moors-G. Malcolm, &c. 722 - Hounds, Gentlemen, Please !-W. B. Forbes 430 - India, Forest Life and Sport in-S. Eardley- Wilmot_ _ ... 940 - India, Jungle By-ways in-E. 'P. Stebbing... 722
- Keartons' Nature Pictures-R. & C Kearton 940 - New Zealand, the Subantarctic Islands of -Ed. by Chas. Chilton ... 940 - Norfolk Broads, Life and Sport on the-
0. G. Ready _ ._ 722
- Norwegian and other Fish Tales-Bradnock - Plants, Ancient-Marie C. StOpes ... 493
- Reptiles of the World-R. L. Damara _. 940 - Salmon Fisher's Son, Letters to n-A. II. 207 Chaytor - Sporting Days and Sporting Ways-R.
. 940
- Sportsman, Recreations of a, on the Pacific
Coast-C. F. Holder 7.07 - Sportsman's Life, Forty Years Of a-C.
Champion de Crespigny .. 722 - Sudan, Service and Sport in the-D.C. E. Comyn _ _. 722 - Switzerland, Alpine, Plant Life in-E. A.
Newell Artier ... 940 Naval Annual, the, 1910-Ed. by T. A. Brassey 60
- Pocket-Book, the, 1910-Ed. by R. Laird Clowes _ _. 60 Navy League Annual, the, 1910-1911-A. H.
Burgoyne 802 Negro, the, in the New World-Sir IL H.
Johnston _.. 423 Nevill, Lady Dorothy : her Reminiscences- Ed. by Ralph Nevill_ _ 520 Newaera : a Socialist Romance-R. G. Herbert 802 News Letters of 1715-16-Ed. by A. F. Steuart- 246 Night Operations for Infantry-C. T. Dawkins 1176 North Pole, the-R. E. Peary ... 801 Norwich-C. B. Hawkins ... 698
Novels, Stories, Tates, &c. :-
- Affair of Dishonour, an-W. Is Morgan ... 804 - Affair of the Envelope, the-E. Wigram ... 25
- Anderson, the-S. Macnaughtan 803 - Astray in Arcady-Mary E. Mann ..... 980
- Ball, the, and the Cross-G. K. Chesterton 285
- Barker's-E. H. Lacon Watson ... ... 470 - Brassbounder, the-David W. Bone... ... 104 - By Ways They Knew Not-Mrs. Coruna Carr 612 - Celt and Saxon-George Meredith ... ... 177 - Charm, the-Alice Perrin ... 699 - Clayhanger-Arnold Bennett ... ... 654 - Clever Betsy-C. L. Burnham_ ... 1178 - Continuous Honeymoon, the-Gurner Gill- mau. 178 - Cradle of a foet. Godfrey ... 139 - Darwell Stories-F. Warre Cornish... ... 913 - Day's Play, the-A. A. Milne ... 524 - Demoiselle of France, a-W. J. Eccott ... 914 - Dragon Painter, the-Sidney McCall ... 323 - Early-Victorian-S. G. Tallentyre ... 249 - Fancy Farm-Neil Munro ... ... 1034 - Finer Grain, the-Henry James _. ... 864 - Getting of Wisdom, the-H. H. Richardson 1143 - Glad Heart, the-E. Maria Albanesi ... 758 - Golden Rose, the-Mrs. Hugh Fraser, &e. .. 565 - Golden Silence, the-C. N. and A. M.
Williamson ... ... 1034 - Green Patch, the-Baroness von Hutten ... 1143 - Grit-G. H. Russell . . ... 1178 - Ilardican's Hollow-J. S. Fletcher ... ... 1088 - Herdsman, the-Algernon Gissing
- House of Serravalle, the-R. Begot.. ... 804
- Howards End-E. M. Forster... ... ... 757 - Jemmy Abercraw-Bernard Capes ... 612 - Land of His Fathers, the-A. J. Dawson ... 757 - Lantern Bearers, the-Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick 469 - Lauristons-John Oxenham'_ 397 - Leading Note, the-Rosalind Murray 396 - Let the Roof Fall In-Frank Denby ... 1088
- Little Aliens-Myra Kelly — 67 - Little Company of Ruth, the-A; E. Molds- - Lost Halo, the-Percy White... ... 213 - McArdle Peerage, the-Evelyn Tempest ... 1141 - Man who Drove the Car, the-Max Pem- berton _ - Marie-Claire-MargueriteMarie-Claire-MargueriteAueoux ... 1177
- Martin Eden-Jack London ... ... 138 - Master and Maid-Mrs. L. Allen Harker ... 1031 - Mezzogiorno-John Ayseough ... 699 - Mr. Ingleside-E. V. Lucas ... 565 - Nathan Burke-Mary S. Watts 26 - Nightshade-Paul Gwynne 359 - Nine to Six-thirty-W. Pett Ridge......524
- Not Guilty W. E. Norris ... ... 358 - One who Came After, the-David Lyall ... 101 - Other Side, the-H. A. Vachell ... 104 - Ont of the Night-Mrs. Baillie Reynolds ... 26
- Perfidious Lydia-Frank Barrett 139
- Pongo and the Bull-H. Belloc 801 - Prester John-John Buchan.........322 - Prize, the-Sydney Grier 980
- Promise-E. Sidgwiek ... 66
- Rags-Arthur Applin 359 - Bed Herring, the-Ronald Macdonald ... 285 - Rest Harrow-Maurice Hewlett ... ... 611
- Return, the-Walter de In Mare 698 - Rod of Justice, the-A. and C. Askew ... 213
- Sacrifice-F. E. Penny _ 979 - Samuel the Seaker-Upton Sinclair ... 173
- Severed Mantle, the-W. Lindsey ... 67
- Silence, and other Stories-L. N. Andrdyev 653
- Sir George's Objection-Mrs. W. K. Clifford 249
- Sir Pulteney-E. D. Ward ._ 913 - Snail's Wooing, a-E. M. Sneyd-Kynnersley 865 - Spirit of Mirth, the-Peggy Webling ... 431 - Tales of Men and Ghosts-Edith Wharton 1087 - Templeton Tradition, the-A. G. Whyte ... 655 - Three Days in the Village-Leo Tolstoy ... 754 - Tony's Luck-C. A. Bray 865 - Varmint, the-Owen Johnson... ... 281
- Vocation-Lily Grant Duff 249 - Wrack-Maurice Drake._. 213 (See also under the heading of E.BADABLE NOVELS. pp. 2667-104-139-178-214-249-283-323-
359-397-432-479-524-565-612-655-699-758-804-865-914- 986-1031-1088-1143-1178.)
OBERISLANN-E. P. de Senancour - ... 23 Odyssey, the-Trans. by J. W. Mackail 354 Ogwen District, Climbing in the-J. X. Archer Thomson _ _ ... 394 Outlook, a Modern-J. A. Hobson 696 PAINTING, Schools of-Mary Ines.... 942 Parent and Child-Sir Oliver Lodge .. 1030 Parson's Pleasance, the-P. H. Ditchfield ... 355 Peerage and Pedigree-J. Horace Round ... 464
- the Complete, of England, Scotland, &c.- Ed. by Vicary Gibbs _ 803 Peers and Bureaucrats-Ramsay Muir' 652
Penn, William, Selections from the Works of
-I. Sha,rpless_. 161 Persian Revolution of 1905-1909, the-E. G. Browne ... . . 750 Peru, the Incas of-Sir Clements Markham ... 1158
Pilgrims' Road, the-F. C. E. Erwood... ... 510 Pirenesi-Arthur Samuel ... _ ... 1084 Pius X., his Holiness Pope, Letters to-Kegan Poetry, Books of :-
- Alpha Centauri-M. Forrest _ ... 174
- Ballads and Poems-John Masefield ... 1175 - Buccaneer Ballads-E. H. Visiak ... 174 - Chinese Poems, Twenty-Clifford Bax ... 174 - Collected Poems-Alfred Noyes . . 1175
- Country Boy, a-Douglas Goldring ... 174
- Dawnwsrd 7-Bernard O'Dowd ... 174 - Eastern Sea, from the-Yone Noguchi ... 174 - Farewell to Poesy-W. 11. Davies ... ... 174 - Fool's Paradise, a-Constable (pub.) ... 1175 - House of Fiammetta, the-R. A. Taylor ... 1175 - Inferno, the New-Stephen ... 912 - Juxta Salices-R. A. Knox _. ... 1175 - Land We Love, the-Will Ogilvie ... ... 174 - Mount of Vision, the-Adeline Cashmere_ 911 - Pietro of Siera-Stephen Phillips ... 912 - Pilgrimage rf Pleasure-A. C. Swinburne 561 - Poems- Dol. e elford... 1175 - Poems-Frances Cornford 171 - Poems-Frederic Manning 174 - Poems and Ballads-11. de Vere Stacpoole... 1175 - Poems of Empire-G. B. Hewetson... ... 174 - Poems, Thirty-six-James Elroy Flecker ... 174
- Poetry Militant-Bernard O'Dowd ... 174 - Poets on the Isis-W. Blair Patterson ... 174 - Quacks and Twitters-A. A. Patterson ... 174 - Steeping the Whirlwind-G. F. Bradby ... 1175
- Sanctuary-B. G. T. Coventry ... 1175 - Sappho-Bliss Carman ... 1175 - Silent Land, the-Bernard O'Dowd... 174 - Songs of the Happy Isles-M. Peacocke ... 1175 - South Africa-A. Vine Hall 1175 - Southey, Robert, Poems-M. M. Fitzgerald 22 - Swift, Jonathan, Poems of-W.E. Browning 283 - Third Round, the-K. C. Greene ... 1175 - Threnodies-G. Bell (pub.) ._ ... 174
- Thyme and Thistledown-C. 0. Anderson 174 - Troubadour, the-Dora Sigerson Shorter ... 1175 - Veld Verse-Kingsley Fairbridge
Verses-H. Bailee' . . 1175 - Ways of Many Waters, the-E. J. Rrady ... 174
- Windlestraw-Pamela Tennant ... ... 174 Pole, Cardinal, the Life of-Martin Haile. ... 719 Politics, English, a French View of-P. Millet 137 Political History of England, the-Longman Porcelain, Worcester-R. L. Hobson. Porphyry the Philosopher to his Wife Marcella
-Alice Zimmern _ _ 848 827
Portraits, Modern-Maximilian 'birder' ... 976 Post, the Second-E. V. Lucas ...... .........979 Prayer-Book Revision Series-Ed. by Canon
Prehistoric People, with a-Mr. and Mrs.
Scoresby Routledge 209 Problems of To-day-Hugo Miinsterberx 4,33
Prosody, English, a History of-G. Saintabury 203 Psalter, Studies in the-W. E. Barnes ... 653 Psychologist, Problems of To-day from the
Point of View of a-Hugo Mlinsterberg 463 RQUAKER Post-bag, a-Ed., &c., by Mrs. G. Locker Lampson 720 Queen Marie Amelie, the Life of-C. C. Dyson 321 ADIOCHEMISTRY-A. T. Cameron ... 492 Ramparts of Empire-Frank Fox .. 610 Rates : being the Revenue and Expenditure of Boroughs, &c.-Analysed &e., by C. Ashmore Baker ... 395 Reason and Belief-Sir Oliver Lodge ._ _ 1030 Recollections of Forty Years-L. Forbes Winslow _. ... 523 - of What I Saw, &c.-Isabella Fyide Mayo... 429 Referendum, Against the-Miss J. T. Stoddart 845 Beigate Sheet of the One-inch Ordnance Survey-Ellen Hills - ... 491 Reigns, Under Five-Lady Dorothy Nevill _. 520 Restoration to the Death of William III., the
History of England from the-R. Lodge ... 280
Rewards and Fairies-lindyard Kipling ... 557
Rhodes, Cecil his Private Life-P. Jourdan... 974
- - the Life of-Sir Lewis Michell ... ... 974 Righteousness, Early Ideals of-T. and T.
Roman World of Nero and St. Paul, Life in the-T. G. Tucker... ... ... 1085 Rugby and India, Memories of-Alexander J.
Rural Life Problem, the, of the United States -Sir Horace Plunkett ... 7 Russell, Lady John-Ed. by D. MacCarthy and A. Russell ... 1159
ST. PAUL as Orator-Maurice Jones ... 513 St. Paul, the Ethics of-A: B. D. Alexander ... 561 Salome-Explained, &c., by A. Schattmann 1135
Sand, George-Rene Doumic 560 Scott, Sir Walter, and the Border Minstrelsy - Andrew Lang _ 978 Sea Law and Sea Power-T. Gibson Bowles ... 1083 - Power, and other Studies-Sir Cyprian Senates and Upper Chambers-H. W. V. Tem- Sermons, Westminster-H. Hensley Henson... 523 Shakespeare, the Works of-Ed. by Sidney Lee 1087 Shakespeare's Sea Terms Explained-W. B.
Shepherd's Life, a-W. H. Hudson ... 650 Sherwood, Mrs., the Life and Times of-Ed. by F. J. Harvey Darton ... 173 Ships, Fighting, 1910-Ed. by F. T. Jane ... 60 Social Insurance-H. R. Seeger 941 Socialism, Adventures in-Alex. Cullen ... 318 Something, on-11. Belem ... 697 Southey, Robert, Poems of-M. H. Fitzgerald 22 Spain from Within-Rafael Shaw ... ... 393 Spiritualism, the Newer-Frank Podmore 608 Spy System, the German, in France-P. Lenoir 1096 State, the, and the Doctor-S. and B. Webb .. 282 Steamships and their Story-E. K. Chatterton 210 - - R. A. Fletcher .. ... 210 Stories of the Past, True-Martin Hume ... 979 Strategy in a Nutshell-F. P. Boyd ... 978 Suffolk Hundred, a, in the Year 1283-E. Powell 396 Superorganic Evolution-E. Lluria, ... 101 Swift, Dean-Sophie S. Smith ... ... 134 - Jonathan, D.D., the Poems of-Ed. by W. E. Browning ... 283 Switzerland, the Charm of-Norman G. B.
James 23
351 465 247 942 172 754 Trafalgar, the Campaign of-J. S. Corbett ... 133 Tristan Da Cunha, Three Years in-K. X. Barrow 698 Turner's Sketches & Drawings-A. J. Ember's 942 Tuscany, Walks and People in-Francis Vane 176 TTNITED STATES, Life and Travel in the 11-1 -C. R. Enock ... 1177 Universities and National Life-R. B. Haldane 1086
VASCO DA GAMA and his Successors, 1460-1580--K. G. Jayne ... ... 1137 Vaughan, Cardinal, the Life of-J. Snead-Cox 98
Verona, a History of -A. M. Allen ... ... 723 Vision, the Mount of-Selected, &c., by Adeline
Cashmere 911 NITAKE Up, England !-Edward Prince ... War in South Africa, History of the, 1893.1902, Vol. IV.-M. H. Grant ... War, the Reality of-Major S. Murray... ... Wilderness, Our Search for a-M. B. and W.
Woodcraft for Scouts and Others-O. Jones and X. Woodward ..
Wooden Monumental Effigies in England and Wales-A. C. Fryer Wool Track, on the-C. E. W. Bran World, What is Wrong with the-G. K.
Adrift on an Ice-pan-Wilfred T. areniell Africa (East) and Zanzibar, Glimpses of- African (South) Snapshots for English. Girls- Alarms and Discursions-G. K. Chesterton ... 866 ABINGDON, a History of-James Towns-
Aeroplane Patents-Robert M. Neilson ... 1035 Ethel Youughusbaud _ 256
Eleanor 'Tyrrell ... _ 105 end Alice in Plunderland-Loris Carllew_ 1035 Alms, Houses of, Old English-Sidney .Heath 1035 American Essayists, Leading-W. X. Payne .. 612
- Novelists, Leading-John Erskine ... ... 612 ANTHOLOGIES, &c. ... 566-914-981-1988 Apuleius : Apology and Florida-Trans. by 470 Arcady, Studies L. dales .. ... 949 Argentina, Past and Present-W. 71. Koebel... 525 Aristophanes and Others-Herbert Richards... 67 Armenian Church, the-Archdeacon Dowling 700 Arran, the Book of-Ed. by J. A. Balfour ... 67 728 Articles, Thirty-nine, Lecture Outlines on the - Arthur J. Tait - _. 214 Athanasian Creed, the New Translation-Ed. by C. H. Turner ... _. 104 Athanasius the Great, the Creed of-T. N. Papaconstantinos- School .- 4.32 Athens, Annual of the British School at, 1003- 1909-Macmillan (pub.) ... . . _ 700 Atlas of the World, the Graphic-Ed. by J. G. Bartholomew ... ... 27 701 Ayr, the Brig of-James A. Morris 'DACE to the Land-Longmaaas (pub.) ... 140 Bible Notes: Writings of St. Paul-
R. S. Frauks... ... 497 ri1HEOCRITUS in English Literature-
Time and Free Will-Henri Bergson ... Titian-Charles Ricketts ...
Tombs, Renaissance, in Rome-G. S. Davies ... Totemism and Exogamy-J. G. Frazer ... Trades-Unionism and Capitalism, the Future 831 243 47 610 233 942 322 62 Bible Reader, the, Part IV.-E. Nixon and - the Century-Jack(pub.) ... 179 BOOKS RECEIVED 27-68-398-493-805-950-1179 Borough Polytechnic Institute, the-E. Bailey 140 Bournemouth 1810-1910-C. H. Mate and British and Foreign Bible Society Report British Isles, the, in Pictures-II. Clive British Museum, List of Books in the Reading
Room of the ... ... 214 Bryan, William Jennings, Speeches of-Intro.
by Mary Baird Bryan ... 178 Buddhism, Higher, the New Testament of- Timothy Richard ... ... 911
CAIILYLE'S Lectures on Hero-Worship-
Ed. by P. C. Parr ... -. 753 Catalogue, Printed, Production Of the-A. J. Catalonia and ihe Balearic Isles-Albert F. Calvert Chantrey Lancl-Harold Arieitag,e ... 1178 Charge, a-Bishop of Ely ............470 Château d'Oex-b. D. Lampen ._ 914 Chester-E. H. Compton and R. G. Duckworth 286 China, Old English, A B LI of Collecting-J. F.
Blacker ...* _ _ ... 1179 Christ. the Life and Words of, and Modern Criticism-C. F. Nolloth 470 Christianity, Development of -Otto Pfleiderer 44/ Chronicles, the Book of-E. L. Cooper and A.
Church Congress offi . Official Report-G. -. Allen (pub.) . 1178 - of England, the, as Catholic and Reformed -W. L. Paige Cox 496 Classical Association, Proceedings of the- Murray (pub.) • ... 105 CLASSICS, SERIES of 27-68-140-250398-433471- 525-565.657.981-1035 Coal Mining, First Steps in-Alexander Forbes 325 Collecting, the A B C about-Sir James Yoxall 701 Continental Towns, Old-Walter X. Gallichan 700 Cook, the Successful Home-Lucy H. Yates... 729 Cookery Book, Evans' Recipe-Evans (pub.)... 1039 - - Just for Two-Jennie C. Williams 837 - - the Broadlands-Kate Emil Behnke and E. Colin Henslowe _ 498 Co-operative Congress, Plymouth, 1910, the Report of the _. _ ... 613 Country-Life, English-Walter Raymond ... 866 County Churches Series-G. Allen (pub.) _ 805
Crete, the Sea Kings of-James Baikie... ... 758 "Imitations Christi," Concordance to .1-1 the-Raynor Stow ...... 397 Devon and Dorset, South, the Coasts of- Sidney Heath...............494 Dickens and the Drama-S. J. Adair Fitz-
DICTIONARIES, &c. C8-105-178-215-566-805-1035- 1144 Dobell, Mrs. Horace, the Poetical Works of- Smith & Elder (pub.) -. 1034 Dogs, War, Police, and Watch-Major E. II. Richardson ..72 Dorset-Arthur L. Salmon 105 Dumfriesshire, the Poets of-Frank Miller ... 495 Duncan, Dr., of Buthwell-Sophy Hall ... 497 ASTBOURNE Memories-George F.
_12.1 Chambers _' . . . . 7. _. 866 East Indies, a Max-of-War in the-.A. W.
Furness _ 759 Edington, the Story of the Battle of-W. H. P. Creswell ... . . _ _ 286 Editors, What they Want-Max Rittenburg and Patricia Hoey... 759 Electrical Theory and the Problem of the Uni- verse, a Treatise on-G. W. de Tunzelmann 656 Emerson-Ed. by George Herbert Perris ... 27 Empire, the Governance of-P. A. Silburn ... 215 English Constitutional. History, Original Illus- trations of-D. S. Melley 497 - History, the Dictionary of-Sidney Low and F. S. Pulling _ 105 Essay s and Studies-Members of the English Association - ... 700 European History Ckronologically Arranged-
Arthur Hassell ... 497 Everyman's Library-J. X. Dent & Sons (pub.) 165 FLOHIE Show, the Book of the-Charles ‘,7 Flowers, of the British Isles, Vol.
H. Isabel Adams ... .. 432 Footprints in the Snow, the, and other Tales -H. F. W. Tatham ... 980 Fountains Abbey, the Ruins of-A. W. Oxford 140 French Series of Classics-Nelson (pub.) 110.471
QASPESIA, Le Clereq's New Relation of-
Ed. by W. F. Ganong 285 GIFT-BOOKS ... 724-25-26-27-28; 832-33-34-35-36 ; 945-46.2 -48-49 ; 1080-90-91 ; 1144 Gironde, Autumn Impressions of the-I. Giberne Sieveking _ ... 432 Golden Days in Many Dinds-Winif red H. Leys 391 - Staircase, the : Poetry for Children- Chosen by Lousy Chisholm... 179 Golf-Courses, the, of the British Isles- Bernard Darwin and Harry Rountree ... 981 Golfer, Letters of a Modern-Henry Leach 360 Gorley, the Book of-Heywood Sumner _. 496
Grass Holding, to Work a, at a Living Profit -31. B. X. Buchanan ............914 Greece, Ancient, Religion and Art in-Ernest
A. Gardner ... - ._ 525
- the Englishman in-Ed. by Sir Rennet Bodd 1179 GUIDE-BOOKS, HANDBOOKS, &c. 27-68-140-179- 215-360.398-433.805 HASTINGS Castle, History of-Charles
Heathfield Memorials-Pereeval lamas _. 495 Hellenic Club, Proceedings of the, 1910-Ii.
Marshall (pub.) _ _ 105 Henderson, -Ebenezer, a Memoir of-By his
Niece Hinching7;roolie-Earl of Sandwich _. 214 Horace, the Odes of, and other Verses-F. L. 67 323 236 324 House, Our-Elizabeth Robins Pennell ... 837 Houses, Old English-Allan Fea... _ 1143 - - the Fifth Book of Pilgrimages to- Fletcher Moss 321 Humanist, a Modern: Kirkman Gray-Ed. by Hunt, Leigh, his Relations with Byron, Shelley, and Keats-Barnette Miller... ... 105 Hutton, George Clark, D.D., Life of-Alex- ander Ogilvie ... ... 700 Hymns, Popular-Canon Duncan ... 837
INCARNATION, the-G. S. Streatfeild ... 359 India, the Native States of-Sir William Lee-Warner ... .•• 250 Initia - Amharica ; and English - Amharic
Vocabulary-C. H. Armbruster 837 Insects, the Death-Dealing, and their Story-
C. C. Morrell- ... 397 Iolanthe, and other Operas-W. S. Gilbert ... 911 Irish History, Tales from-Alice Birkhead ... 498 Isaiah, Studies in the Book of-X. E. Glaze.
brook .....................697 Israel's Prophets, the Sermons, Epistles, and
JApocalypses of-Charles Foster Kent ... 612 ACOBITE Extracts from the Parish Regis- tars of St., Vol. I.-Ed. 801
Japan-British Exhibition, a Souvenir of the 656 Japan To-day-Kotaro Mochizuki 656
Justice's Note-Book, the-Ed. by C. M. &11 KING, Our Sailor-A. A. Smith ... 981 LABOUR, Bulletin of the (American) Bureau Laelia : a Comedy-Intro. by a. C. ifoore- Smith ..._ - _ ... 214 Lake George and _ d Lake Champlain-W. Max Lamas, in .the fand o.i.the-Edward Amundsen 866 Lamb, Charles : his Homes and Haunts-S. L. 397 Bensusan Lancashire, the Civil War in, 16124651-Ernest
Broxap __.. 497 Land, the, the People, and the State-Sir Gilbert Parker ... ... 1098 - Taxes and Mineral Right Duties-T. Moffet 325 - - the New-Land Union (pub.) ... 250 Language, Dead, and Dead. Languages-T. P.
Latin, Work in:-
- Specimina Codicum Graecorum Vatican- orum-Parker (pub.) ... ... 498 Le Clercq's New Relation of Gasposia-Ed. by
W. F. Canong 285 Leviticus and Numbers-A. R. S. Kennedy _. 179 Life Assurance, Practical Advice about-W.
Schooling ...
Life-Insurance Agent's Vade-Mecum, the- James Wilkie ._ 324 Literature, English-F..7. Rahtz ... 359 London Missionary Society, Report of the _. 730 London, Springs, Streams, and Spas of-A. S. Foord
Looking Facts in. n theFace;L-St.-d .- George Stock
Lucretius on the Nature of Things-Trans. by
MacGILLIVRAY, William, LL.D., Life of-W. MacGillivray . . ... 178 Mark Sherborne-Florence A. 0:Davidson ... 471 Mark Twain's Speeches-Harpers (pub.) ._ 214 Massachusetts, the Loyalists of-J. H. Stark 27 Medical Supervision in Schools-Edward
Millar Steven ... 525 Melanesians and Polynesians-George Brown 758 Mexican Sierras, Beyond the-Dillon Wallace 656 Milk Supply, the Public-Hugh A. Maceweu 656 Missions, Protestant, in the Near East, a History of-Julius Richter. _ 729 Monasteries, the Dissolution of 'the-Francis Aidan Hibbert _ ... 494 Morocco, Mysterious-H. J. B. Ward ... 105 Munich-Henry Rawle Wadleigh 14)
NAPOLNAPOLEON'S European Campaigns-F. W. EON'S Maycock Negro Religion, the Elements of-W. J.
Edmonston Scott ... 323 NEW EDITIONS 27-68-140-179-215-2&0-360-398-4Xt- 471-525-166-657-759-805.866-914- 915-981-1035-1089-1144 New South Wales, the English Colony in- David Collins ... 656 New Spain, the Conquest of, Vol. III.-Bernal del Castillo ... 613
POPEN Window, the-Locke Ellis (pub.) ... 566 Orchids-James O'Brien ... 805 APACY, the Rise of the-W. Ernest Beet 612 Papal Claims, Notes on the-Arthur
Brinckman ... 1035 Paton, J. B., D.D.-James Merchant 496 Paul Church, Cornwall-C. Aitken ... ._ 286 Paviours, History of the Company of-C. Welch 214 Peers, the, What they have Done-William Bull and A. C. Fox-Davies _ 1088 People, Spread the-Captain G. S. C. Swinton 56) Pharmacopoeia, the Extra-Revised by W. H. Martindale and W. W. Westcott 321 Poe, Edgar Allan-Arthur Ransoms 914. Pomponazzi, Pietro, the Philosophy and
Psychology of-A. H. Douglas... ... 359 Poor Law Minority Report : a Criticism-King
(pub.) . - 753 Pope John ISIII.-Eustace J. Kitts 700 Popes, Lives of the, in the Early Middle Ages, Vols. IV.-V.-Horace K. Mann _ 249 Porcelain, a Book of-W. Gibb and B. Beckham 1179 - and How to Collect it-Edward Dillon ... 613 Pottery Marks, British-G. Woolliscroft Prayer-Book Revision at 'tin frambetli Con- ference-Notes, &c., by C. R. D. Biggs ... 285
PRAYER-BOOKS, dm., New Editions of ... 68
Press, How to Write for the-E. P. Davies .- 753 Prevention: the Organ of the National Social Purity Crusade ...............525 Printers' Pie-Intro. by Hugh Spottiswoode... 26 866 836 656 496 393
Privilege and Democracy-Frederic C. Howe 495 Prophecy, the Inspiration of-G. C. Joyce ... 323 Psalms, the, in the Jewish Church-W. E.
Oesterley 91.9
Pudding Lady, the-M. E. Bibby, &c. ... 585 Pulpit, the Steps of the-T. S. Calrncross ... 949 Puritanism, the Struggle with-B. Blaxland 178
QUARTERLIES, the ... 139-655 RADNORSHIRE, the Church Plate of-
Rainfall, British, 1909-Hugh Robert Mill ... 471 Reformation, English, the Historians of the- T. S. Littell 613 - Principles of the-Henry Wace ... 1143 Reginald in Russia, and other Sketches-IL H.
Rifleman, the : Official Organ of the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs .. ... 139 Rock Gardens : How to Make and Maintain Them-Lewis B. Meredith ... 179 Romances, Catalogue of, in the MSS. Depart- ment of the British Museum, Vol. III.- Roosevelt, the Real-Alan Warner ... 286
SAINT HELENA, the Drama of-Paul
Fr8meaux ... 497 St. Paul, Writings of-R. S. Franks ... 497 SCHOOL and CLASS BOOKS ... 27-360-398-433 Scientists, Religions Beliefs of-A. H. Tabrum 470 " Secret Remedies," a Sequel to (In Search of Truth)-F. Phillips 950 Sewing and Dressmaking, Practical Home- SHAKESPEARE, EDITIONS of ...360-730-805 Shakespeare, William : his Homes and Haunts -S. L. Bensusan ... 397 Shakespearean Dictionary, a New-R. J. Cun- Sicilian Ways and Days-Louise Caico... ... 495 Southamtton, a Short History of-F. J. C.
Spain, Quiet Days in-C. Bogue Lnffmann .. 484 Spectroscope, the, and its Work-H. F. Newell 613 Spencer, Herbert, his Descriptive Sociology- Ed. by Henry R. Tedder... ... ... 656 Spiritual Sense, the, in Sacred Legend-E. J.
Sport-Annie Warmington ... 140 Stories and Story-Telling-E. P. St. John ... 613 Suckling, Sir John, the Works of-Ed. by Sugar-George Martineau 866 Surrey, Rambles in-J. Charles Cox ... 837 Swinburne, Memories of, with other Essays- W. G. Blaikie Murdoch ... ... 398 Syed Ahmed Khan, Sir, the Life and Work of -Major-Gen. G. F. I. Graham... ... 497
T Dr ALMUD, Tales and .TiTOR from the-S.
Tariff History, Modern-Percy Ashley... 359 - Reform and the Working Man-T. J. Mac- Temple, Middle, Master Worsley's Book of the -Ed. by A. R. Ingpen 495 Terre-NapolCen-Ernest Scott ... 360 Thames, from the, to the Seine-Charles Pears 497 Theban Princes, Two-Colin Campbell... ... 865 Theberton, Chronicles of-H. H. Doughty ... 497 Tokyo, Home Life in-Jukichi ... 1143 Transportation in Europe-L. G. Macpherson 866 Travel and Exploration-Ed. by Eustace Rey- Trees and Shrubs, Hardy, at Sion House, Brentford, Catalogue of ... ... 838 Truth, No Refuge but in-Goldwin Smith ... 285 TNTIIODDEN English Ways-H. C. Shelley 1144 1..) Utopia, the, of Sir Thomas More-Ed.
by George Sampson 980
VAGABOND, a Vicarious-Denis Crane ... 67 Verse, Lyrical-Ed. by Oswald Crawfurd 566 Vivette,' Down Channel in the-E. Keble WATER-SUPPLY, the Geology of- t V Horace B. Woodward ... 905 Wayside Wisdom-E. M. Martin......324 West Indies, Health Progress and Adminis-
tration in the-Sir Rubert W. Boyce... ... 214 Women, International Council of : Quinquen- nial Meeting-Constable (pub.) 837 - Western, in Eastern Lands-Helen Barrett Montgomery ... 250 - 1,000,000 Votes for, the Man's Case for, and against-Hodder & Stoughton (pub.) ... 470 Words their Origin and Use-F. W. Chambers
YEAR-BOOKS, &c. 105.214-°286.398-433-470-914-
1035.1089.1144-1179 Yunnan, Across-Archibald Little ... 323 CORRESPONDENCE.
A crow Referendum, the, 901. • "- Admiralty, the Methods of the, 271. Advertisements, Roadside, 17-388.
African Slave Labour Question, the, 94-234-237- 238.309-598.
Agenda Club, the, 52.96; Work for the-an Impartial Counsellor, COO ; and an Order of Coun- sellors, 616.
Airmen, Virgil on the, 518.
America, Capital Value Taxation in, 555. American " 'Territorial Government," 14. American View, an, of England, 1079. Anglicanism, Sectarian, 597-644-745. Anglo-German Students' Visits, 241.
Army Promotion : the Disadvantage of being Selected, 15.
Austrian Navy, the, 746.
BATTLESHIP, the, of the Future, 92. Battleships : and Battle-Cruisers, 306-343; Motor-Driven, 342.
Beaconsfield, Lord, on the Working Classes of England, 968,
Belloc, Mr., his Political Satire, 740.
Betting Tips in Victoria & New South Wales, 275. Bird-Lovers, English, June Notes for, 18.
Birds and Fruit-Nets, 18-57.
Birth, the Accident of, 967.
Borrowdale, the Preservation of, 313-399. British Constitution Association's Conference, the, 904.
Brooke-Hunt, Miss, Memorial to, 19. Budget Fallacies, Remarkable, 902-968. Burke on Kings, Lords, and Commons, 968.
" Vann," the Word : a Coincidence, 205-277-315.
Cadbury, Mr. George, 203.
Callicautzart the, 277. Cambridge University, the Late Registrary of, 603. Canada and the Mother-Country, 309.
Capital Punishment, 1080-1133.
Caricature, the Spirit of, 389. Cats, the Usefulness of, 348-424.
" Cherchez le muff," 1168.
China : Awakening of, 51; Ought the Foreigner in, to be Attacked? 169; Missionaries in, 239-276-308- 384-459 ; Young, Great Britain's Influence on, 850. Chivalry in Ranks of Our Peninsular Army. 275. Church of England: Ordinations in the, 55-601-
645-692 ; What is the ? 555-598-694; the Confirma-
tion Test, 685-745-793. Churches, Episcopal and Non-Episcopal, 645. Cigarette-Lighters, Portable, 1134.
Clergy for Poor Parishes, 971.
Cockney Accent, the Spread of the, 462. Cocoa, Slave-Grown : Manufacturers who Do not Use, 170-205; the Boycott of, 238. Cocoa Slavery, the, 234. Colonial Farms, Town Lads for : New Zealand's Example, 310-389.
Commercialism v. Socialism, 901.
Compromise, 53. " Concentrate," 1022.
Concurrent Endowment, 515.
Confirmation Teat, the, for English Churchman- ship, 685-745-793.
Confucius on the Conduct of War, 749.
Conscription or Universal Service ? 796. Conservative Free-Traders, to, 907.
Conservative Party, the Need for a, 308-344.
Constitution, the Decay of the, 1129. Constitutional Conference, the, 521-641.
Constitutional Issue, the, 900.
Consuetudinal Tense, the, 57.
Contemporary Art Society, the, 205. Copper, a Steam-Destroying, 856.
Corrections, 859-1080.
Cottage : the £150, 743 ; Problem, the Cheap, 200- 856-903-969.1025.10801168 Crippen Case, the : a Protest, 205-239. Cromwell: and Ireland, Past and Present, 236- 345-383-419-457 ; and the Quakers, 239; Not a Welsh- man, 1168.
Cross-Correspondences, 747.
Cuckoo, a Young, 462.
Custom, an Old (?), 556,
Dxatiowr Saving Bill, the, 16. Declaration of London, the, 1166. Democracies and Dependencies, 14.
Departmental Tribunals, 347-388.
"Deutsche Machthaber," 595-643.
Dickens Centenary, the, 277.
Dogs : Quarantine Quarters for, 205; Chained-up, 463.
Dolomites, Mountaineering in the, M.
PASTERN Peoples, Self-Government by, 163. "Eatage," 646.
Education: National, and the Parent, 129; a Problem in, 241.
Educational Peace and the Census, Towards, 13. Elephants, a Charge of, 392.
Ellice, " Bear," 1026-1080.
Ems Telegram, the, and the Franco-German War, 202-236-275-348-422.
Encyclical " Pascendi," the, 1133. "Encyclopaedia Britannica' " the, 349. Eschatology at the Church Congress, 639-744. Estates of the Realm, Co-equality of the, 1025.
FARMING, English, an Anglo-Canadian on, 459. " Federalism " in 1844 and in 1910, 687. Federation for the British Isles, 201-458. Feeble-Minded, the Care of the, 58. Finance Act, 1910, 457-602.
Floods and Animal Life, 1170.
Flycatcher, the Red-Breasted, 276-315-462. Foreign Impressions, Some, 344-384-420. Fra.nkland, Sir Harry, & Agnes Snrriage, 691-749. Free-Trade, the Real Object of, 18.
French Books, Some Modern, 683.
French Ministry, the Resignation of the, 794. Fruit, Wild, on Christmas Day, 1170.
GERMAN Ascendency, What it would Mean to Liberalism, 167. German Military Service, 748.
Germany, Invalidity and Accident Insurance in, 513.
Gladstone League, 240-345; a Leaflet of the, 969. Glorified Local Government, 1078, Gneist's Prophecy, 1079.
Gold Coast. a Gem from the, 389.
Gold, the Depreciation of, and Asiatic Competi- tion, 795.
Grafton Galleries, the Exhibition at the : Gauguin and Van Gogh, 902. " Great Illusion," the : Mr. Angell's Reply, 1167. Gwynn, Mr. Stephen : and the Home-Rule Dilemma, 511-552-599-746 ; his Exhausted Patience, 512 ; and Mr. Patrick Ford, 642-687-792; and the Concentration Camps, 687.
HANDWRITING. Experts on, 240. Hardie, Mr. Keir, and the Madras Times, 421. Hedgehogs, 749.
Holiday Avocation, a, 17.
Holly, Berried, for the Birds, 1134.
Home Defence : an Unequal Burden, 15.
Home-Rule : Shall We Get It? 1024; a ssppeedct and a Criticism, 1076; • Facts about, 1077; Canada and, 1077.
Home Secretary, an Unconstitutional, 966, Homer, What about? 971.
Horse, How to Get a, for Nothing, 169. Hospital Patients, the Treatment of, 857. Hospitality, 16.
" Humani Nil Allenuni," U. IBERIAN Portraits, the, 645. "Idle Rich," the, 690-855. Idleness, the Cost of, 1024.
" Immortal Speech," an, 689. Indecorous Language, 1079. India : the Training of British Officials for, 55; British Rule in, 237-275-344-385.459; and Imperial Defence, 793-955.
Indian Police, the Truth about the, 275-421. Indian Unrest, 516-553.
Industrial Anarchy, 795. Infants, the Free Killing of, by their Mothers, 55-96-167.
International Home and Education Congress, 205.
Ireland : Cromwell and, 236-345-383-412457 ; and
Home-Rule, 236-345 ; the Climate of, 461-556. "Ireland's Eye," 461.
Irish Administration and the Viceroyalty, 236-
Irish Council Bill, the, 1132.
Irish Point of View, the, 131. Irish Tourist Development, 241-315-350-391.
IEFFERSON, Thomas : on Single-Chamber Govern- ." ment, 1022; Again, 1079.
John of Gaunt, the Descendants of, 796. Journalism and the Universities, 517.
-LI- Kiel to Constantinople, 420. Kill, the Temptation to, 276. King Edward VII., Pinder and, 97. King, the Art of being a, 168. Kingship and Criticism, 204. Kitchener, Lord, 167-202-235-274.
T AND of His Fathers," the, 858. L4 Land-Tax Muddle, the, 456-516.
Land Union, the, and the General Election, 901. Letter, a Threatening, 792. Libel, the Law of, 203. Lilly, Mr. W. S., and Absolute Monarchy, 748. Lincoln's Call for Volunteers, 1080. Literary Assassination, 602. Living, the Increased Cost of, C43. Lloyd George, Mr.: his Conference, 457 ; and the
Spectator, 685; at Crediton, 687-746; and Motoring,
689; "an Immortal Speech," 680; and his Critics, 690; and the Law Lords, 795; a Working Woman and, 1024.
Lodge, Sir Oliver, his Simile, 423-460.
Lords, the Government and the, 900. Lyly, a French Critic on, 463.
MACCOLL, the Late Canon, 59. 'M. Marriage Reform : Registration Office
Marriages, 970.
Marsh, Miss Catherine, 389-423 ; and Others, 462 518-557.
Martial in Modern Dress, 1020.
Members, Payment of, 419; in United States, 600. Metric Reform, 204-240-273.310-312-349-336.
Mill, John Stuart: was he a Socialist ? 55; and Present-Day Liberalism, 643. Ministerialist, a (Mr. C. F. G. Masterman), on "the People," 1078-1132-1170.
Missions and Theology, 13-53. Missionaries in China, 232270-308-384-459.
Missionary Funds and Societies, the Administra• tion of, 53. Missionary Hero, a: William Waddell, 57, Morel, Mr., and the Congo, 94, Mosque, a British, 239-314.
Motor Warships, 342.
Mottoes, Apposite, 602.
NATIONAL Party, a, 901. National Service, 969. Naval " Crisis," the, 551.
Need of the Hour, the, 641-686, Newman, Francis, 16.
Nightingale, Florence : her Owl, 276; an Appeal, 312 ; a Memorial to, 749-797.
Nonconformists : and the Election, 967-1023- 1078 ; and the Crisis, 1023.
nDDFELLOWS, the, and their Funds, 06-692.
Osborne Judgment, the, 455-516-747-853-902; and the Australian Labour Party, 854.
PARLIAMENTARY Veto Bill, 1132. Pasteur, Louis, 554. " Paying Guests," 749.
Peacock, Thomas Love, 905.
Persia Turkey, and England, 794; the Proposed Railway across, 1163.
Peruvian Amazon Company, 168. Pit Ponies, 205-276-314-349-389.
Pius X., Some Letters to, 421-460-550-692.
Police and Military, the Use of, in Riots, 1024, Polish Race, the, in America, 131.170.
Political Situation, the, 1131-1165, Portuguese Jesuits, 645.
Portuguese West Africa, Slavery in, 94.234-237- 238-309.598.
Post Office, the, and Facilities for Gambling, 205. Prayer-Book Revision, 514-602.
Prayer, the Endless : Spiritual Blackmail, 57. Prisoners, the Identification of, 166-202. Proportional Representation, 274.
Protest, a, 692 ; an Error and an Apology, 750 ; a Disclaimer, 797.
Public Morals : Change of Title, 1020.
QUAKER Post-bag, a, 796. Quakers, the, 203-313; Cromwell and the, 239'; and Nervousness, 348-462.
Queen, the Coronation of the, 855. Queen's Westminsters, the Jubilee of the, 97.
p ArLwAT Passenger, the Experiences of a. (" Humani Nil Alienum "), 11.
Railway Strike, the French Ministry and the, 794. Ranyard, Mrs., and Others, 462-518.
Rat, the Common, in Canada, 971. Rat-Catchers, 859.
Bating System, Our, and its Injustice to Agricul- ture, 901.
lied Cross Society, the, and Voluntary Aid, 204. Redmond, Mr., his "Strong Hand" Speech, 746. Referendum, the, 12162964-1021-1075-1130-1164 ; Tariff Reform and a, 795 ; at Acton, 901; its Switzerland, 964; What would Bentham have Said of the ? 967; and the Representative Principle, 1129. Reformers, the Four, 646.
Religious Census, the Opposition to a, 12. Request, a, 1134.
Research Defence Society and the Plague, 750.
Rifle-Shooting for Boys, 15.
Riviera Holiday, a, 95.
Rogers, Samuel, 132. Romance that Failed, a, 691-749.
Books, 1170. Royal Heretic, a, 458-692. Royalties, the Taxation of, 855. Rumania and Turkey, 554-645. Russian Studies, the School of, in the University of Liverpool, 692.
SAmami', Habits of, 18.169. Scotch Political Opinion, 1023-1078. Scottish Noblemen and Church of Scotland, 515. Scott, Sir Walter, and Claverhouse, 314. Scutari and Balaclava, 348-3E9-461.
Sea Law and Sea Power, 1127.
Seamen, Merchant, Accommodation of, in their Ships, 691-748. Sea Power, Are We Giving Away Our ? 1128. Sea Training for Boys, 690. Secret Commissions, Tradesmen, Servants, and, 904-972.
Self-Depreciation, the Dangers of, 276-347. Self-Government by Eastern Peoples, 163. "Senates and Upper Chambers," 905. Shakespeare : and Religion, 56; and Dialect, 97; and the Sea, 1170.
Sherwood, Mrs., 423-462.
Sky, Our English, 423. Slave Labour : on the Islands of San Thome and Principe, 94-234-237-238-598 ; in Africa, 309. Slavonic Assembly, the, at Sofia, 93. Smith, Goldwin, his Reminiscences, 277-314-424. Social Economy, Training for Women in 1081. Socialism : and Tariff Reform, 347-42-461-515; v. Commercialism, 901. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel : a Disclaimer, 797.
Solomon, the Odes of, 1133. Spain from Within, 517; Progressive Priests in, 601.
Spectator Experimental Company, the : its Lessons in Regard to National Service, 963.
Spectator Tent, the, at Risley, 132. Sporting Tipsters, the Press and, 129-166. Subterranean Passages, 749-796-857-904-971-1025.
Surrey Veterans' Parade, the, 795.
Swedish Name A InIFU.TM, the, 348.
Swiss, the, 271. Switzerland : the Maiden Aunt of Europe, 454.
TALBOT House Settlement, 904. Tariff Reform : and Socialism, 347-422-461-515; Challenge, the, 385-4221; and a Referendum, 795 ; and the Crisis, 851.
Telegraph and Telephone Finance, Post Office, 855. Territorials: Eyesight and Service in the, 56; "Crabbing" the, 348-387-422 ; More Money for, 556. Theology and Missions, 13-53.
Thunder and Lightning, 16. Tibet, Sir Francis Yonnghusband on, 254. Tocqueville on State Interference, 970. Town-Planning Conference, International, 315. Trade-Unions and Labour Representation, 130. Trained Men, a Register of, for the Empire, 602. Trans-Persian Railway, the Proposed, 1163. Tribunals: Departmental, 347; Arbitrary, the Revival of, 383.
Tuberculosis, the War against, 132-276. Turkey and the Triple Alliance, 272 ; and Rumania, 554-645; Persia and England, 794. Turks, the, and the Arabs, 690.
Twelfth, the, 205-241.
ULSTER, an Appeal to, 1165. Unemployment, Insurance against, 55. Unionist Platform, the, 853.
Unionists : Free-Trade, the Duty of, 966; the, and House of Lords Reform, 967-1022.
" Unthinkable," 277.
ITiluarioN Muddle, the, 968. • Veteran Reserve, the, 56-204. " Vox Populi, Vox Dei," 1022.
Wilms : and England, 747; South, the Crisis in " the Coal Trade in, 854.
Welshmen and Budgets, 968-1132-1168.
War and the Arme Blanche, 93-131-165.
Warships, Motor, 342. Waugh, the Late Benjamin, 97. " Witch Doctor's " Secret, the, 518.
Women : in Parliament, 132; to, for Women, 165 ; and the Suffrage, 796-858.
Words and Deeds, 553.
Wordsworth : his Birthplace, 313; "Booing his
Pottery," 749; and the Stanza "Small Service is
True Service," 796.
Workers, What is Wrong with the P 613.
World Missionary Conference, the, 13.
Y m Mariners of England," 646.
4'150 Comm, the, 743 ; (see also under " Cottage ").
APPEALS.-A House of Help, 19.-The Boys' Brigade Seaside Camps, 57.-The Y.W.C.A. in the Orange River Colony, 97.-The Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary, 242.-TheTennyson Centenary Memorial, 390.-Church Army Emigration League, 390.- Rest-Room and Coffee-Stall for Girls at the Japan. British Exhibition, 891-557.-A Convalescent Home for Poor Infants, 603.-Bedford College for Women, 647.-Alpines and National Service, 692.- Au Historic House in Edinburgh, 972.
ACADEMIC Committee, the Formation of an, 118. Agenda Club, the Inauguration of the, 1011. Agricultural Co-operative Credit Banks, Lord Carrington's Announcement as to, 191.
Airship, the Morning Post, Arrival of, at Alder- shot, 675.
Airships, Military, 335. Almshouses, the Sir Robert Geffery, Saved from Destruction, 1155.
American Fleet : the Visit of Two Divisions of the, 843; the Officers of the, at the Guildhall, 1010.
Amery, Mr. L. S., his Plea for Steadiness, 783. Anglo-German Institute, Sir Ernest Cassers Gift for an, 263.
Anti-Slavery Society, the Visit of the Deputation of the, to Portugal, 813-890. Argyll, the Duke of, on Home-Rule, 735.
Army Balloon School, Reconstitution of the, 543. Army Mancetivres : the Canadians on the Physique of the Troops at the, 503; Aviators at the, 299411. Asquith, -Mr. : on the Problem of the Feeble- Minded, 119; on Poor Law Reform, 119; his Corre- spondence with Lord Lytton, 155; on Local Memorials to King Edward, 191 ; at the Guildhall,
782; Presented with Freedom of City of Glasgow,
783; at National Liberal Club, fOl ; on the Refer- endum, 954; at Reading, 954; at Retford, 1067. Aviators at the Army Manoeuvres, 299-411. BALFOUR, Lady Frances, her Reply to Lord
Cromer. 734.
Balfour, Mr. : on Discoveries in the Investiga- tion of Cancer, 119 ; at Edinburgh, 542 ; at Glasgow, 630 ; on the Social Side of Scottish University Life, 735; at Nottingham, 841 ; at the Albert Hall, 953- 955; at Reading, 954; at Chester, 1010; his Message to Mr. Astor on the Referendum, 1011. Battleships, Motor-Driven, Admiralty and, 299. Beresford, Lord Charles, his Open Letters to Mr. Asquith, 503.
Birrell, Mr., on Imperial Federation, 154. Blyth, Lord, on Penny Postage with France, 263. Board of Trade Returns, the, 226-375-543-783. Boilermakers, Lock-out of the, 374-410-447-1067. Boy Scouts, the Despatch-Running of, to Brighton and Back, 119.
11 55 Boys, Labour Exchanges and Employment for, British Association, the, at Sheffield : Professor Bonney's Presidential Address, 335; Sir H. Llewellyn Smith on Insurance against Unem- ployment, 335; Discussion on Mechanical Flight, 375.
Burgoyne, Mr. Alan, on the Ship Construction of the Triple Alliance, 630.
CABINET, the Changes in the, 587-734.
Cambridge University, Two Generous Gifts to, 543.
Canadian Regiment, the Visit of the, 334; at the Guildhall, 447.
Cancer Research Fund, the Imperial, Annual Meeting of the, 119.
Capital Invested Abroad, 1119.
Carlisle, the Bishop of, his Reply to Mr. Lath• bury, 631.
Carnegie, Mr. : the American Ambassador on his Benefactions, 543 ; his Gift to Promote the World's Peace, 1066.
Carson, Sir E., his Evidence before the Divorce Commission, 1067.
Cassel, Sir E.: his Gift for a Memorial to King Edward, 263; and the Turkish Loan, 445. Chamberlain, Mr. A., on Osborne Judgment, 447.
Chance, Sir W., on Old and New Ideas on Public Belief, 375.
ChurcL Congress, the Jubilee, at Cambridge, 502. Churchill, Mr. Winston and a Naval Loan, 630; his Election Manifesto, 843.
Civil List Select Committee, Report of the, 43. Clement-Bayard No. 2,' the Voyage of the, from Compiegne to London. 631. Cocoa Islands, the State of Slavery in the, 43. Colliery Disaster near Bolton, the, 1119. Colonial Office, Proposed Division of the, 734. Consols, the Fall in the Price of, 543-675. Constitutional Conference, Break-np of the, 781. Constitutional Crisis, the Articles of " Pacilicus " in the Times on the, 674.
Co-operative Credit Banks for Agriculture, 191, Coronation, the Date of the, 782.
Cotton Trade : the Wages Settlement in the, 118; the Dispute in the, 410-447. Crichton-Browne, Sir J., on Food and the Fish Supply, 335. Crippen, Dr.: the Reward for the Arrest of, 119 ; the Arrest of, with Miss Le Neve, 191; the Trial and Conviction of, 675. Cromer, Lord: on Woman Suffrage, 2-81-734; on a Testimonial to Mr. E. D. Morel, 83; on Science and Research, 674.
Curzon, Lord, on the Two Platform Styles of Liberal Leaders, 955.
DICKENS Centenary, the Strand Magazine's Stamp Scheme to Celebrate the, 227. Dunraven, Lord, his Reply to Mr. Redmond, 1067.
EDUCATION Question, a New Scheme for the Solu- tion of the, 674. Elibank, the Master of, on "Home-Rule All Bound," 447.
"Encyclopaedia Britannica," Mr. S. H. Butcher on the, 675. Esher, Lord, on the Failure of the Voluntary System, 334.
EEBLE-MINDED, the Deputation to Mr. Asquith, Ac., on the, 119. i
Fogs in London, the Decrease of, 1155. French, Sir John, on Foreign Charges against the Army, 782.
GARDEN City at Northwood and Ruislip, 119. General Election : the Issue at the, 889; Unionist Free-Traders Manifesto, 890 ; the Unionist Leaders and the, 953 ; the Course of the, 1009 ; the Political Situation Resulting from the, 1065 ; the Results of the, 1117.
German Officer; the Arrest of an, for Espionage, 875 ; the Trial of a, 843.
Grey, Sir E.: the Deputation to, on Slavery in Portuguese West Africa, 43 ; at Berwick, on Free- Trade and the Conference, 299; on Labour Unrest and Aspirations, 735; on Lord Rosebery's Resolu- tions, 955.
TT ■LDANE, Mr., on the Unionist Party and Mr. Balfour, 587. •
Hamilton, Lord George on the Government and Free-Trade, 543; on Tariff Reform and the Refer- endum, 1153. Harclinge, Lord, the New Viceroy of India, on the Understanding with Russia, 629. Heywood, Messrs.. the Conviction of, for Cir- culating Improper Books, 543. Home-Rule: the Manifesto of the Reveille Move. meat against, Titl.
" Home-Rule All Round " : the Manifesto of the Scottish National Committee, 190.
Houndaditeh, the Murder of Three Policemen at 1119.
IIEPERIAL Maritime League, the Appeal of the, for a Hundred Million Loan, 3. India, a New Viceroy and a New Secretary of State for, 734.
Indian Police, Mr. Montagu on Mr. Maekarness's Pamphlet on the, 225.
Indian Unrest, the Times Articles on the, 190-225- 262.298-410-446.
Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, Mr, T. W. Russell and the, 3-43.
Irish National University, the New, and Com- pulsory Irish, 3. Irish Nationalist and Independent Nationalist Personalities, an Anthology of, 1011.
TUSTICES of the Peace, the Report of the Com- mission on the Selection of, 83.
KING EDWARD, Mr. Asquith's Suggestion of Local Memorials to, 191-1155. King, the : on Family Life, 82; his Visit to
Aldershot with the Queen, 117; and to the London Hospital, 189 ; Inspects the Fleet at Torbay, 189.
Kipling, Mr. Rudyard, on the Houses of Parlia- ment, 783.
Kitchener, Lord, on the Progress of Medical Science in the Army, 543.
Knollys, Miss Alexandra, her Libel Action against John Bull, 1067.
T ABOUR Party, the, and the Pledge, 502. j Land-Tax Conference, the, 411.
Lansdowne, Lord : at Glasgow, 955; at Ports- mouth, 955.
Libel Laws, Mr. Walter Judd on the, 155. Library Association, Dr. Kenyon's Presidential Address at the, 375.
Lloyd George, Mr.: on the Future of Wales, 447 ; Receives a Deputation of Suffragists, 503; at the City Temple, 631; his Attack on the Editor of the Spectator, 673 ; at Mile End, 891; his Reply to a Heckler on Reform of the Lords, 1117.
Loraine, Mr., Flies from Holyhead to Howth, 411. ,fACDONNELL, Lord, on the Meaning of Devolu- u-mcKtieo.,n, 7353sir
Mr., his Reply to Mr. Balfour, 630. Mahan, Admiral, on the Naval and Military Position in Europe, 733.
Metric Reform, a Suggestion for, 191.
Midleton, Lord, on National Service and National Character, 735.
Moissant, M., Flies across the Channel, 263.
Montagu, Mr. E. S.: on Mr. Mackarness's Pamphlet on the Indian Police, 225; on Lord Morley and the Viceroy, 298.
Morel, Mr. E. D., Proposed Testimonial to, 83. Municipal Elections, the Result of the, 735. NATtIhOe, NA3L. Service League, the Annual Meeting of New Age, the, on the Spectator and Socialists and Trade-Union Funds, 503. 10N1le.wWit' Mr. Henry, on Liberalism Old and New, Newfoundland Fisheries Arbitration Award, 373, North-Eastern Railway Strike, the, 118-410-447.
OTam:, Mr. William : on the Conference, 117; at Ballina and at Crossmolina, 334; at Kil- malloek, 411; on Mr. J. Redmond and Mr. T. P. O'Connor, 735 ; his Election Invective, 1011.
O'Connor, Mr. T. P., a Canadian Editor on his Visit to Canada, 1066.
Oddfollows, Manchester Unity of, the Centenary of the, 587. Osborne Judgment : the Trade-Unions and the, 299; Mr. John Massie on the, 334; the Trade- Union Congress and the, 411 ; Mr. Osborne's Reply to Mr. Ilaslam, 411; Mr. A. Chamberlain on the, 437; Mr. Osborne's Analysis of the Congress Vote, 503 ; on the Source of his Funds, 587 ; Mr. Frederic Harrison on the, 674-783. Oxford University, Proposals for Reform of, 335.
PENNY Postage with France, Lord Blyth on, 263. Perks, Sir R., on the Amended Form of the Royal Declaration. 83.
Poisonous Literature, How to Check the Pro- duction of, 119. Poor Law Reform, Mr. Asquith on, 119. Portland, Duke of, on Gambling and Betting, 155. Prayer-Book, the Revision of the, 502. Prince of Wales to be Invested at Carnarvon, 375. Public Morals, Conference for Promotion of, 119. Punch on John Bull after " Federalisation," 675.
QUEEN HORTENSE, the Disappearance of the Coffin of, 191. RAILWAY Dispute, the, 118410-447.
Railway Disaster, the, at Hawes Junction, 1155. Rat Plague, the, in East Anglia, 1119. Rats and the Plague, 675. Redmond, Mr. J.: at Kilkenny, 334 ; at Limerick, 410 ; his Tour in America, 501 ; his Interview with the Daily Express Correspondent, 542-631; on the Issue at the Election, 954. Referendum : the Standard on the Nature of the, 1011; the Growth of Opinion in Favour of the, 1065 ; Lord George Hamilton on Tariff Reform and the, 1153. Revenue Returns, 226-375-543-783. Ridley, Lord, his Reply to Lord George Hamilton on Tariff Reform and the Referendum, 1154. Rifle Shooting, Miniature, the Daily Mail's Prizes for, 43. Robson, Sir W. S., and Sir Rufus Isaacs, the Promotions of, 587. Rolls, Mr. C. S., Killed at Bournemouth, 83. Rosebery, Lord: at Manchester, 955; at Edin- burgh, 1010. Russell, Mr. T. W. and the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, 343.
ST. DAVID'S, the Bishop of, on the Welsh Dis- establishment Bill, 447. Scottish National Committee, Manifesto of. 100.
Sculling Championship of the World, the, 263. Shackleton, Mr. D. J., Appointed Senior Latour Adviser at the Home Office, 813. Shipbuilding Trade, the Lock-out in the, 374-410- 4174067.
4ftker, the, on Land-Tax Form IV., 411. Spectator Competition at Risley, Result of, 43. Spectator, the, and its Advice to Unionists, 953. Surrey Vetere,: Reserve, Great Success of, 1119. Suter, Lieut. Allan, the Court-Martial on, 411.
TARIFF Reform and the Referendum, Lord George Hamilton on, 1153; Lord Ridley's Reply, 1151. Territorial Artillery, Colonel Gaedke on the, 503. Territorial Manceuvres, the Generals Command- ing on the, 227. Territorials the Result of Three Years' Work of the, 227; the Frankfurter Zeitung on the, 227. Trade-Union Congress, the, at Sheffield, 410. Tugwell. Mrs., the Trial of and Sentence on, 191. Turner Collection at Millbank. Mr. M. Brockwell and the, 227.
Illsrea, an Appeal to, 1154. Unionist Reveille, Manifestoes of the, 231-722.
Vrrzaaer Reserve for the Empire, a, 587.
WALES (South) : the Coal Strike in, 447.731; Mr. • • Churchill's Telegram to the Miners, 782. Westminster, Deanery of, Dr. Ryle Appointed to the, 1155.
Willows, Mr., Flies from Cardiff to London, 227. Wimbledon and Putney Commons, the Scheme for the Extension of, 735. Woman Suffrage: Lord Cromer on, 2-81; Mrs. Fawcett on the Government and the Bill for, 2 ; the Meeting of Opponents of, at Queen's Hall, 81; the Anti-Woman Suffrage Appeal, 118; Lord Lytton and Mr. Asquith, 155; Mrs. Humphry Ward on, 734; a Canvass of Women Municipal Electors, 783 ; Sir Albert de Rutzen and the Women Charged at Bow Street, 891.
Wood, Sir Evelyn, on the Conduct of Future Wars, 543.
Wreck of the Cruiser 'Bedford,' M.
Alimy Reserves, the State of the, 42. Asquith, Mr. : Announces an Autumn Session, 2 ; on the Cost of Old-Age Pensions, 42 ; on the Course of Public Business, 42 ; on the Strength of the Navy, 82; his Announcement of the Dissolu- tion, 841 ; on Woman Suffrage and the Osborne Judgment, 890.
1Zatroua, Mr , on Colonial Preference, 117.
-'-' Bedford, the Duke of, on Army Reserves, 42. Bin-ell, Mr.: his Defence of Mr. T. W. Russell, 43; his Speech on the Declaration Bill, 154.
Budget, the, for 1910.11, 1 ; the Debate on the, 1; Old-Age Pensions and the, 42; the Duty on Cocoa, 42; Mr. Lloyd George on the Finance of the Government, tel ; the Tea-Duty, 153.
Ceesus Bill, Lord Newton's Religious Amendment to the, 42-83. Churchill, Mr., on Reforms in Prison Adminis- tration, 117.
Colonial Preference, a Debate on, 153. Copyright Bill, the, 155. Crisis, the Parliamentary History of the, 811.
IMPERIAL Exchequer and Local Authorities, the Financial Relations between the, 83. Indian Budget Debate, the, 153.
Ireland, the Lawless Condition of, 42.
Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, Mr. T. W. Russell and the, 43.
Irish Estimates, the, 43.
Elise EDWARD'S Funeral, Mr. Harcourt on the Management of, 117.
King's Declaration, the Bill for Amending the, 2-83-154-190.
ANSDOWNE, Lord : his Motion for the Introduc- tion -5" of the Veto Bill, 842 ; his Resolutions on the Relations between the Two Houses, M. Lloyd George, Mr. : Introduces the Budget, 1; Lis Defence of the Government's Finance, 82, NAVE, Delete on the Strength of the, 82.
PARLIAMENT Bill, the, 842.890-1117.
-L Prison Administration, Important Reforms in, 117.
P ELIGIOUS Census, Lord Newton on the, 42 83. Rosebery, Lord, his Resolutions on the Reform of the House of Lords, 812.
(...MALL Holdings Bill, tho Lords' Amendment to the, 190.
Wetse Riots, Mr. Keir Hardie and the, 843.
TY Woman Suffrage Bill, the Second Reading Debate on the, 81.
LIVERPOOL (KIREDALE).-COIODel Kyffin-Taylor (U.), 118.
Sours SRIELDS.-Mr. Russell Ron (L.), 675. WALTMAMSIOW.-Sir John Simou (L.), 735.
Botha, General: the Defeat of, 409; on South African Defence, 409.
Connaught. the Dnke of Opens the First Union Parliament, 782 ; his Visit to Rhodesia, 842. Union Parliament : the Elections to the, 298-409- 446 ; the Opening of the, 782.
Zambezi, the Sculling Race on the, 263. AUSTRALIA.
Australian Defence Bill, Mr. Pearce on the, 263. Labour, the Reign of, in, 226.
Labour Party, the, and the Tyranny of the Caucus, 783.
Laurier, Sir W., on the Tariff and British Prefer- ence, 834. Newfoundland Fisheries Arbitration Award, the, 373. EGYPT.
New Policy of Firmness, the Effect of the, 153.
Aga Khan, his Proposal for a Moslem University, 1153.
Bengal, the Gospel of Revolution in, 190. Conspiracy, Many Arrests for, 225. Dacca Conspiracy Trial, the, 298.374409. Harding°, Lord, Appointed Viceroy, 62J' . Minto Lord: and the Renewal of the Seditious Meetings Act, 225 ; on the Indian Unrest, 631. Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India, Annual Statement Exhibiting the, 3. Wasik Conspiracy Case, the Judgment in the, 1153. Sinha, Mr., the Resignation of, from the Viceroy's Council, 225-262.
Sir Prahbu Narayen Singh, a Limited Sovereignty Conferred on, 1010.
Tibet, the Government's Preparations in View of the Unrest in, 189-=6.
Tregear, Mr., his Poem " The White Peril," 502.
French Troops, the Reverse to, in Equatorial Africa, 1010.
Austrian and Hungarian Delegations, the Meeting of the, 586. Baernreither, Dr., on the Monarchy and the Southern Slays, 842. Demonstration in Vienna against the High Prices of Food, 587. Emperor, the Eightieth Birthday of the, 261. Lukacs, Dr. de, on Hungarian Finances, 1066. Rosebery, Lord, his Mission to the Emperor, 409. Schenaich, Baron von, on a War on Several Fronts, 629.
Brussels Exhibition: the Fire at the, 261; the Reopening of the British Section, 446. German Emperor and Empress, the Visit of the, to Brussels, 674.
Naval Mutiny, the, at Rio de Janeiro, 954.
Hong-kong University Scheme, Progress of, 410. National Assembly, the Inauguration of the, 542.
Protecting Powers, the Ultimatum of the, 82.
International Socialist Congress, the, at Copen. hagen, 373. FRANCE.
Aeroplanes for the Army, 375.
Briand, M. on his Policy and Programme, 2 ; and the Railway Strike, 670-733 ; on the Proposed Bills for Regulating the Relations of the State and the Railways, 842 ; on the Demand for the Rein- statement of Railway Strikers, 1119. Bunau-Varilla, M., on the Fortification of the Panama Canal, 446.
Chavez, X., his Fatal Flight across the Alps, 501. Cigarette-Lighters, Portable, the Chamber and, 1066.
Fallieres, AL, his Visit to Auvergne,41. Hakki Pasha Visits M. Briand and M. Pichon, 373, Paris, a Scheme to Connect, with the Sea, 1066. Pichon, M., on French Policy in Morocco, 298. Railway Strike, the, 585-630; the Debate in the Chamber on the, 673-733-1119.
Sillon, Le, the Suppression of, by the Pope, 333. Socialist Deputies, the, and the Increased Cost of Living, 262.
Turkish Loan French Feeling about the, 262- 373-409 ; Sir Ernest Cassel and the, 445.
Berlin the Riots in the Moabit Quarter of, 501; Further Rioting in, 733.
Berliner Neueste Nachrichten, the, on German Armaments, 153.
Bethmann Iloilweg, Herr von, on Anglo-German Relations and on Socialism, 1065.
English Officers Arrested for Espionage: the Berliner Neueste .Nachnchten on the Mental Treat- ment of the, 843 ; the Trial of the, 1118.
German Grand Duke, the, and the Fiasco of the Empty Tomb, 191.
Imperial Finances, Reduction of Deficit in, 297. Kaiser, the Opens a New Royal Castle at Posen, 237; his "Divine Right" Speech at Kiinigsberg, 333 ; his Visit to the Emperor Francis Joseph, 445 ; at the Berlin University Centenary, 587; Ills Visit to Brussels, 674; at the Jubilee Celebrations of the German Agricultural Society, 1065. Kiderlen-Wichter, Herr von, Appointed Imperial Foreign Secretary, 2.
Ministerial Changes, 2.
Naval Estimates, the New, 954.
North German Gazette, the, on Anglo-German Relations, 117.
Shipbuilding Programme, the Reported Delay in the, 675-733.
Tsar, the, his Visit to Potsdam, 782. GREECE.
National Assembly: the Result of the Elections to the, 373; Opened by the King, 409; the First Meeting of the, 445 ; the Dissolution of the, 674. Revisionary Assembly, Elections to New, 1066. Venezelos, M.: the Election of, 297; his Arrival in Athens and his Views, 445.
Defence Bill, the Intentions of the New, 1118.
Cavour: the Centenary of, Signor Luzzatti on, 226.
Pope, the, his Suppression of Le Sillon, 213. Romagna, the Agrarian Dispute in the, 262.
Korea, the Annexation of, 297.334.
Manchurian Agreement with Russia, the, 41. Tokio, the Serious Floods in, 282.
General Porfirio Diaz Re-elected President, 3. Revolution, Outbreak of, in, 890-954.
Economic Situation in, the, 298.
British Note to the Government, the, 629; the Reply to the, 673.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Resignation of, 1153. Sater Khan and the Fidais, the Capture of, 226. Trans-Persian Railway, the Scheme for a, 842. Unsatisfactory State of Politics in, 41.
Arab Gun-Runners, the Encounter with, 1153.
Branco, Senhor, on the Situation, 501. Revolution, the, 541.
New Government, the, and Slavery in the Colonies, 584.
British Anti-Slavery Society Deputation, the Visit of the, 843-890.
Lisbon, Reported Unrest in, 1158.
Isvolsky, M., Appointed Ambassador at Par'-e, 542.
Manchurian Agreement with Japan, the, 41. Nationalist Party, the Rise of a New, 731. Tsar, the, his Visit to Potsdam, 782.
Vatican: the Recall of the Ambassador to the, 189; the Dispute with the, 226.
Unrest in, the Government's Pret-arations in View of the, 189-26.
Albanians, the Demands of the, 1153.
Baghdad Railway, the Extension of the, 297. Budget, the Deficit in the, 82.
Bulgarians in Macedonia, the Alleged Ill-Treat- ment of, 189.
German Battleships, the Purchase of, 189. Hakki Pasha, his Statement of the Cabinet's Policy, 1009.
Macedonian Internal Organisation, the Opera- tions of the, 674.
New Loan : Djavid Bey and the, 261-373-409; Sir Ernest Cassel and the. 415; Signing of the Con- tract with Germany, 781.
Orthodox Church, the Patriarchal Encyclical Summoning the Metropolitans of the, 226. Rumania, the Rumoured Understanding with, 445. Stambul Quays, the Lightermen's Dispute at the, 262.
UNITED STATES, Elections, the Democratic Victory at the, 781. Gaynor, Mr., the Attempt to Assassinate, 226. Gore, Senator, on Vice-President Sherman and the Land Scandals, 190.
Jeffries-Johnson Prize-Fight in Nevada, the, 41; the Racial Riots Following the, 41. Liberia, American Assistance for, 153. Newfoundland Fisheries Arbitration Award, 373. Philippines, Question of Self-Government in, 734. Population, the Census Returns of the, 448.1006. Roosevelt, Mr. : and the Breach in the Republi- can Party, 261; and Mr. Taft, 334-409 ; on the Tariff, on the Panama Canal, and on Conservation, 374; his Interview with Mr. Taft, 446; Electedd Chairman. of New York Republican State Convention, 501. State Elections : in Vermont, 374; in Maine and New York, 409.
Taft, Mr.: and the Fortification of the Panama Canal, 446; on Arbitration and a Large Standing Army, 1119.
Wellman, Mr. W.,- his Attempt to Fly the Atlantic, 231.
OBITUARY. Brooke-Hunt, Miss Violet, 19. Butcher, Mr. S. H., 1155. Clark, John Willis, 603.
Eddy, Mrs., 1010.
Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward, AIL Hunt, William Holman, 375. James, Prof. William, 335. Nightingale, Florence, 263-266. Prince Francis of Teck, 675. Rolls, Mr. C. S., 83. Sambourne, Mr. Linley, 191. Spencer, Lord, 263-267. Tolstoy, Count, 891.
Walker, Mr. F. W., 1067.