The delegation replied through Dr. Louis Smith, who was followed
by Dr. Murray Butler. He began , with delightful humour, but passed to an urgent plea for "consultation," and again "consultation," in Anglo-American relationships. An ounce of " consultation " before a crisis was worth a pound of explanation after it. He instanced the Hague Arbitration Court on the Newfoundland Fisheries as a perfectly successful piece of consultation which finally settled a question which had kept two great nations oft the verge of war for hail a century. And he concluded by prophesying that the next great question for consultation mist be the reduction of armaments, and that we should not have to wait long before the United States made the first move in that direction. Dr. Murray Butler was effective because he had something definite to declare, although in saying it he showed that he could make use of every one of the orator's devices. As a whole it was a most successful festival, on which the English Speaking Union must be congratulated, and which cannot have failed to assist the cause for which it was 'held.