The Prime Minister Described The Scheme As A Great And
promising experiment. If it were worked in the right spirit, it would restore the industry, inasmuch as every man would have a direct interest in increasing the output and the......
The Prime Minister Explained The Terms Of Settlement In The
House of Commons on Tuesday afternoon. The miner's mini- mum wages are to be 20 per cent, more than the pre-war standard or minimum wages. In each district the new standard......
The Primo Minister In The House Of Commons On Thursday,
June 23rd, made an elaborate defence of his appointment of Dr. Addison as Minister without Portfolio. Ministers, he said, worked far harder than they did in the old days, and it......
Mr. Balfour, Speaking At The Constitutional Club On...
23rd, pointed the moral of the miners' strike. Such disputes .affected and impoverished everybody. But the very suffering caused by these strikes made them a valuable political......
The Labour Party Conference At Brighton Last Week Passed A
vote of sympathy with the miners and elected Mr. Hodges as a member of the party executive, from which it significantly excluded Mr. Robert Williams, the avowed Communist, whom......
The Engineering Unions, With About A Million Members, Took A
ballot last week on the employers' proposals to reduce wages. Only a third of the men voted ; 257,532 were against the offer, and 125,014 in favour of it. The union leaders,......
On Tuesday Morning The Coal-owners And The Miners'...
informed that the Government would renew the offer of 00,000,000 to the industry. They then completed their agree- ment, and the miners' leaders issued an appeal to their......
Employers And Employed In The Cotton Trade Adjusted Their...
amicably on Friday, June 24th. It was agreed that wages should be reduced at once by 3s. 10d. in the pound, and after six months by a further sevenpence in the pound. The......
On Friday, June 24th, The Miners' Executive Decided Not To
hold the conference of other unions which they had summoned for Saturday, the truth being that the unions declined to attend. Realizing that they could not continue the strike......
It Is With Great Regret That We Record The Sudden
death on Wednesday of Lady Randolph Churchill, the wife of one promin- ent statesman and the mother of another. There is universal public sympathy with Mr. Winston Churchill,......
Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent., Changed From 61 Per Cent.
June 23, i921; 9 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 884; Thursday week, h71; a year ago, SQ.......