2 JULY 1921, page 32

La Coleccion Cervantina De La Sociedad Hispanioa De...

Ediciones de Don Quijote. Por Romero Seris. (Urbana : University of Illinois. 1 dollar 50 cents.)—Dr. Seris has com- piled, in Spanish, an elaborate descriptive catalogue of the......

Though We Disagree With A Great Many Of Mrs. Havelock

Ellis's opinions on marriage, love, and eugenics, her post- humous volume, The New Horizon in Love and Life (A. and C. Black, 10s. 6d.), is an interesting book, the second part......

Trade Union Conditions In Hungary. (geneva :...

3s.)—The International Labour Office, at the request of the Hungarian Government, sent a mission, composed of three members, to inquire whether "the right of association for all......

We Have Received An Interesting Pamphlet By Miss M. 0.

Valentine relating the history of The Dundee Social Union and Grey Lodge Settlement, which deserves the attention of readers in those towns where no such admirable institution......

The Vocabulary Of The Greek Testammt. By J. H. Moulton

and G. Milligan. Part IV. (Hodder and Stoughton. 10s. 6d. net.)—Professor Milligan is continuing single-handed the invalu- able work that he and the late Professor J. H. Moulton......