2 JULY 1932, Page 20


Will you allow, us to appeal through your columns for fresh support for the London Poor Clergy Holiday Fund ? This fund was started in 1876 by Archbishop Maelagan, then Vicar of Kensington, and it gives grants for holidays for the poorer clergy in London (including the Dioceses of Southwark, and Chelmsford London-over-the-Border). In spite of these difficult days most of, us . still manage to get our summer holidays. Let us then remember those overworked= and tired clergy and their wives, many of whom without these grants would have no holiday at all. Our income from sub- scriptions has fallen off of late, and we depend upon this our sole annual appeal to make good the losses of our old supporters, Donations, which will be gratefully acknowledged, may be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, the Rev. Prebendary G.' H. VINCENT, St. Martin's Church, Ludgate Hill, EX. 4.