The Country People Between Tullamore And Ballinasloo...
numbers on Monday sennight, to cut down the banks of the Grand Canal, from the supposition that it was the water that con- veyed the Cholera.......
The Vienna Festival THE tenth international festival of contemporary music, which has just been held at Vienna, has been remarkable in many ways. Considering the condition of......
A Letter from Dublin [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Stn,—Last week was the most triumphant in Dublin's history. The Eucharistic Congress exceeded the greatest hopes of its......
Tim E -killers.
DE BEGN IS, in the announcement of his concert, which took place on Monday, promised a duet by Madame DE MEnic and himself, of which ho stated— "This duet is composed of 164......
A Hundred Years Ago
THE " SPECTATOR," JUNE 30Tit, 1832. In the blanket, (Unite!, and low woollen manufacture's, which were exoessively depressed at the beginning of 1 he year, there is a con-......