2 JULY 1932, page 32

Railway Shareholders' Plight.

Space will not permit my making more than a brief reference to another matter, which is of some concern to investors in EngliSh Railway stocks, who have suffered so greatly from......

Finance---public & Private

In Defence of the Rentier I AM afraid it is still necessary that investors should be on their guard against attempts to assail their just claim for an adequate return upon......

An Inconsistent Policy.

A still more important point, however, is one which arises out of the present vague suggestions or threats of a scaling down of interest on the entire National Debt- It is this.......

A Disquieting Suggestion.

Undoubtedly the position is one which gives concern to the Railway workers themselves as well as to stockholders, and this fact . is .perhaps responsible in part for the......

- A False Idea.

- In connexion with the conversion of the 5 per cent War Loan-there is one point which I think scarcely receives' adequate recognition. Because the interest is not deducted at......

. Debt Conversion.

. At the present moment there is a general recognition of the desirability of the Government accomplishing a voluntary Conversion of the 5 per cent. War Loan at the first......