2 JUNE 1877, Page 1


ARISE of the Danube, caused by the melting of the snows, has checked the Russian advance, and the delay has increased the circulation of all kinds of rumours of peace. It is stated that the Grand Duke Nicholas is depressed by the difficulties of crossing the Danube, that Prince Bismarck has offered his mediation, and that Count Beust has elaborated some plan or other for inducing Russia to pause. For reasons stated at length elsewhse, we do not believe any of these reports, which owe their currency partly to impatience, partly to the Emperor Alex- ander's known distaste for war, and partly to the feverish desire of the Magyar statesmen that the war should stop. It is quite probable that discussions as to the bases of a peace are going on between the different Governments of Europe, but they would only be of importance in the event of occurrences which are still in the future. For the present, Russia has done nothing, and Turkey fears nothing. According to the latest accounts, the Czar will reach Bucharest on June 7, and his arrival will be the signal for action, but it is quite possible that another week may elapse before the water falls suf- ficiently to allow of the passage of the river, which will, of course, in any case be a most serious affair.