The Life After Death, And The Things To Come. By
the Rev. John Cullen, Vicar of Radoliffe-on-Trent. (Hatchards.)—Mr. Cullen's views on the subjects discussed in this volume are such as are founded on a too literal and narrow......
The Verity And Value Of The Miracles Of Christ. By
Thomas Cooper. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—This book is made up of addresses on the Christian evidences to the working-classes, "audiences," as Mr. Cooper describes them in his......
Notes On The Earlier Hebrew Scriptures. By Sir G. B.
Airey, K.C.B. (Longmans.)—These notes are, the author tells us, the result of many years study of the subject, and they show some amount of acuteness and originality. On the......
Letters Of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Addressed To R....
Edited by S. R. Townshond Mayer. 2 vols. (Bentley and Sons.)—It is almost needless to say that these volumes have a very great interest. Most of the letters were written during......
Reminiscences Of Levi Coffin. (sampson Low And Co.)—levi...
the principal manager of the "Underground Railway," which name the Southerners gave to the organisation by means of which fugitives from the Slave-States were assisted in their......
Spoken In Anger. 3 Vols. (tinsley Brothers.)—a Certain...
Strafford is introduced to us in chapter i., as engaged to Marion Doolington. Chapter ii. introduces us to a lady who, with her little boy, makes her way to the neighbourhood of......
Loyal And True. 3 Vols. (tinsley Brothers.)—we Should Not Be
dis- posed to object to the hero and heroine of this tale any particular want of "loyalty and truth," but when we are challenged by a title which seems to proclaim them as......