2 JUNE 1877, page 3

The Judge-advocate-general, Mr. Cavendish Bentinck, Is...

extant representative of the fierce Tory wrath against Mr. Gladstone. At a Poole meeting on Monday night, he declared that the only party which had any confidence in Mr.......

Mr. Brassey, Who, Having Just Returned From A Yachting Tour

round the world, had seen at Aden the gunboats built by Sir William Armstrong for the Chinese Government, urges on our Admiralty, in a letter to Wednesday's Times, the great......

The Vicar Of Folkestone, Mr. Ridsdale, Has Made Up His

mind to defy the Court of Appeal which gave judgment against him, and on Sunday celebrated Communion with the vestments, the mixed chalice, and lights, explaining in his......

The Free Church Of Scotland Has Done A Very Foolish

thing in suspending one of the most orthodox of Biblical scholars, Professor Robertson Smith, who is, we believe on the Re- vision Committee of the Old Testament,—from his......

The First Great Achievement With Torpedoes Was...

morning last (May 26), by two Russian officers and a Roumanian, near Ibraila. A party of Russian boats had sur- rounded a small Turkish monitor at Matchin before the morn- ing......

At The Conference On Spelling At The Society Of Arts,

on Tuesday, a letter was read from Mr. Lowe advising the addition of fifteen lettere to the alphabet, and remarking that if that had been done, boys who had passed in the sixth......

The Court Circular Of Saturday Last Contains The...

" Balmoral Castle, May 25.—Yesterday being the anniversary of the Queen's Birthday, the Crathie choir came to the Castle in the morning, and sang the following selection of......

Consols Were On Friday 941-94i- Ex. Div.
