The Vicar of Folkestone, Mr. Ridsdale, has made up his
mind to defy the Court of Appeal which gave judgment against him, and on Sunday celebrated Communion with the vestments, the mixed chalice, and lights, explaining in his afternoon sermon to his people that he would yield everything for which there is no rubrical direction, such as processions, the use of the Agnns Dei, the stations of the Cross, and the crucifix, but that rites for which he has the direct authority of the Church in the shape of a rubrical direction, he will not yield. Mr. Ridsdale admitted that he is undertaking " this bitter work for a mother who is silent, while her loyal sons are suffering in defence of her independence and dignity, when a clear sound issuing from her sacred Synod might put a stop to our sufferings." But that clear sound' would imply a clear mind. And the mind of the English Church is not a clear mind, but is a divided mind possessed of various sects.