2 JUNE 1894, Page 1


IN France, M. Dupuy has again accepted the task of forming a Ministry. He kept General Mercier, who is trusted by the Army ; made M. Poincare, rather a Radical financier, Minister of Finance ; gave the Foreign Office to M. Hanotanx, a sub- ordinate of the Foreign Office, in whom that office believes ; and appointed three young and unknown men to three Minis- terial offices of less importance. M. Dupuy himself takes the !interior. His programme read to the Chamber on Thursday is vague ; but it is understood that he will follow M. Casimir- Perier's policy as long as he can. The Ministry is rather hostile to England ; but all French Ministers worry Lord Rose- bery pretty much alike, and it is the directing classes, not the soldiers, who seek war with Britain. The soldiers want war by land.