2 JUNE 1894, page 16


CALM upon the broad Atlantic, tossed by billows fierce and frantic, Pallid passengers inordinately crave, As the angry ocean surges and the sire of Boanerges Cataclysmically......

Catholic Priests And Bull-fights.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—While in Rome a few months ago, I read a decree or order, then recently issued by the Pope, relative to bull-fights. The two chief......

A Correction.

[TO THZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR,") Sut,—Under the heading of "Current Literature," in the Spectator of May 26th, your reviewer, in dealing with Mrs. Bryson's book, "The Story......

The Recognition Of Likenesses By Animals. [to The Editor Of

THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You were so good as to insert my little account of the politeness of a parrot in the Spectator, will you now allow me also to bear witness to the......

Edmund Kean.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." ] SIR —My grandfather was present in the theatre at Dor- chester when the London manager came down to see Edmund Kean act, and engaged him on......

" A Soldier Of Fortune."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I have to thank you for a kind notice of my novel "A Soldier of Fortune," which appeared in your issue of May 26th. There is one point,......

Elementary Education.

To THE EDITOR OF THE "SrearsT0p.."1 SIR,—I have for very many years taken a deep interest in elementary education. I met with the following experience this afternoon ; it is not......