Lord Salisbury Made An Important Speech At A Banquet Given
by' the Grocers' Company in their restored hall in Princess Street on Tuesday. Referring to the agitation against the House of Lords, he congratulated the Gladstonians on having......
Mr. Chamberlain Took The Chair This Year On Saturday At
the annual dinner of the Newspaper Press Fund, and made an amusing speech, on part of which we have commented elsewhere. He said that no one now would venture to proclaim......
On The Subject Of The Graduated Estate-duty Which Is Now.
proposed, the Duke of Devonshire evidently holds that the Government are endangering that accumulation of wealth in this country by which no class really gains so much as the......
We Deeply Regret To Say That "the Prevention Of Cruelty
to Children Bill" was talked out in the Report stage on Wednesday by the Irish party, who were apparently angry because it stood in the way of the next order of the day, which......
On Thursday, Sir William Harcourt, Who Moved A Motion...
the whole of the time of the House for Govern- ment business, declared that his action was founded "upon no complaints against any section of the House in the past nor upon any......
Mr. T. W. Russell, In Supporting This Amendment, Chaffed The
Government unmercifully, and showed how impossible it was for them to show their hand and say which Bills they would drop. Fancy what would happen in Wales if Welsh......
Yesterday Week, The Duke Of Devonshire Addressed A Great...
meeting in the Victoria Skating Rink, Southampton,. and pressed upon his audience the anomalous character of the position in which the Government had placed themselves. bymaking......