Mr. T. W. Russell, in supporting this amendment, chaffed the
Government unmercifully, and showed how impossible it was for them to show their hand and say which Bills they would drop. Fancy what would happen in Wales if Welsh Disestablishment were dropped; in Ireland if the Evicted Tenants were thrown over; or among the Tem- perance party if the Local Veto Bill were abandoned ? Why should the Chancellor of the Exchequer be asked to prick the bubble if it would do duty for a month or two longer? Ulti- mately the amendment was negatived, but the Government majority dropped to 25; and on the main question it fell to 17 (234 to 217). Though Ministers were so reticent in the House, Mr. Justin McCarthy has announced that the Government have pledged themselves to pass the Evicted Tenants Bill before the House is prorogued or dissolved. If this is so, it is pretty evident that the Welsh Bill, the contentious part of the Registration Bill, and the whole of the rest of the New- castle programme is doomed. The Evicted Tenants Bill will be fought line by line unless it is modified out of all recognition.