The result of the South Manchester election was declared on
the evening of May 26th, Mr. Peel, a Liberal Unionist, and the eldest son of Lord Peel, being returned by a majority of 2,039 over his opponent. As in 1895 the Unionist majority was only 78, the election cannot but be regarded as a severe blow to the Opposition. The fact is the nation, though not in a very good temper with the Government, is still more out of temper with the Opposition. The ordinary elector when well-informed is sick of the faction fight among the various sections of Home-rulers. When ill-informed he is apt, very unfairly no doubt, to consider that the Liberals are all pro-Boers. Again, there is the ingrained instinct against swapping horses while crossing a stream,—an instinct rendered intensely strong when it is remembered that half the alternative team are confirmed jibbers.