Two Little Books Connected With The Subject Of Missionary...
abroad may be mentioned together, Fifty Years sn Western Africa, by the Rev. A. H. Barrow (S.P.C.K., 2s.), and Towards the Land of the Rising Sun, by Sister Katherine (same......
Scisool-booxs.—we Are Glad To See That Dr. Merry Has Added
another to his admirable editions of Aristopbanes. This time it is the Peace, which he has edited with an introduction and notes. The play takes us into the very centre of......
Greater Canada. By E. B. Osborn. (chatto And Windas. 93.
6d.)—By "Greater Canada" Mr. Osborn means the North- west, which includes the prairie and the Yukon country, and, as it is bard to separate from the Yukon what is really part of......
Studies Historical, Doctrinal, And Biographical. By The...
D.D. (Macniven and Wallace.)—Dr. M'Ewan, of whom Mr. Oliphant Smeaton gives, by way of introduction to this volume, a biographical sketch, may be described, we hope without......
Lucretius On Life And Death. By W. H. Mallocic. (a.
and C. Black. 10s.)—Mr. Mello& tells us that he was struck by the resemblance between the thought of Lucretius and that of Omar Khayyim as Mr. FitzGerald has presented him to......
Three Men On The Bumniel. By Jerome K. Jerome. Illustrated
by L. Raven-Hill. (J. W. Arrowsmith, Bristol. 3s. 6d.)—We must own that we have not been as much amused as, perhaps, we ought to have been by Mr. Jerome's humour. Its quality is......
Oxford, 2 Vols., 21s.) Is The Seven Ecumenical Councils Of
the Undivided Church, edited by Henry R. Percival, D.D. This is a valuable contribution to ecclesiastical history, containing, as it does, much material that is not commonly......
The One " War-book " Which Calls For Notice This
week is The Story of Baden-Powell, by Harold Begbie (Grant Richards, 3s. 6d.), a pleasant, readable book, which tells us about the childhood, school life, and services in India,......