Studies Historical, Doctrinal, and Biographical. By the Rev. J. M'Ewan,
D.D. (Macniven and Wallace.)—Dr. M'Ewan, of whom Mr. Oliphant Smeaton gives, by way of introduction to this volume, a biographical sketch, may be described, we hope without offence, as a survival. He is a Calvinist of the old school, one who thinks Universal Redemption a heresy, and believes, we take it, in verbal inspiration "A Bible due equally in all its parts to the inspiration of God" is a formula with which he "thoroughly concurs." On other subjects he expresses himself with an energy of language which is becoming obsolete. Christianity, he appears to think, was extinct for about a thousand years (a new millenarianism, we might say). There Was but a "so-called Church of Christ," of which he can say nothing better than that it was " a huge system of Satanic cruelty and oppression." Probably he would except a few groups of otdividuals, but his anathema includes such men as Bernard of Chilrvaux and Grosstlite and Tanler, all of whom were in com- a:Won with the "so-called Church."