2 JUNE 1900, page 13

From All The Seven Seas.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The following extract from the letter of a trooper in the Canadian Mounted Rifles may be of interest in connection with your......

The Newspaper And Its Editor. [to The Editor Or The

"SPECTATOR.") Si a,—If your able article in the Spectator of April 7th, entitled "The Newspaper and its Editor," could be read, "marked, and inwardly digested" by every......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

SIR,—It has occurred to me that ladies might materially assist the starting of rifle clubs in the towns and villages by offering prizes to be competed for annually. I have men-......

German Relief To India.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin, — ]" a file of the Times of the year 1814 appear at intervals advertised lists of subscriptions raised in London for the relief of......

Letters To The .editor.

THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIVES.—A'DOUBT AS TO THE JAMESON RAID. (To Tin gorroa OP TUB "SPECTATOR:1 ' hail with joy Lord Salisbury's words at the dinner of the City Conservative Club......

Rifle Clubs.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SpitarArori."] SIR,—It is a pleasure to see so prominent a place in your columns occupied with opinions and suggestions as to the rifle club movement. It......