Two little books connected with the subject of missionary work
abroad may be mentioned together, Fifty Years sn Western Africa, by the Rev. A. H. Barrow (S.P.C.K., 2s.), and Towards the Land of the Rising Sun, by Sister Katherine (same publishers, 2s.) The particular spot in West Africa where the work described by Mr. Barrow has been going on is the Rio Pongo, a river, or rather an estuary such as the Wash, about one hundred miles north of Sierra Leone. The mission was originated by the Church in the West Indies, and has been conducted with considerable success and at no great cost of life. There is much interesting reading in the book, with pictures of heathen life and the modifications that are worked by Christian influence. Sister Katherine's book is not one to be criticised. Burmah and the Burmese are not quite so admirable in the eyes of those who really know them as some would have us think, but Sister Katherine does not write unkindly. She seems to have had both joys and troubles in her Burmese work, and she describes them with a simplicity which is very affecting. And she has a certain gift of humour which adds a pleasant spice to her narrative. We heartily commend Towards the Land of the Rising Sun to our readers.