The Times correspondent in St. Petersburg in a despatch which
appeared in Thursday's issue notes the " cordial wish " of several peasant Deputies to visit London in July, when the Duma will probably be prorogued, " in the hope of seeing the Mother of Parliaments at work." They are trying, he adds, to save up enough for the journey, and, after insisting on the immense benefit likely to accrue from such a visit to both countries, he suggests that it would be well if the projected trip evoked proper encouragement in the House of Commons. We sincerely hope that this suggestion may bear fruit. The Government may not see their way to take action in the matter, but we feel sure that there must be many Members on both sides of the House who will gladly respond to the appeal. The welcome would be all the more appreciated, and all the better calculated to promote good understanding between the two nations, if it were organised on a non-party basis. The ease with which London is reached by sea from St. Peters- burg suggests that the representatives of the great shippers in Parliament might arrange to charter a steamer that would bring, say, one hundred Members of the Duma almost from door to door.