The Second Report Of The Select Committee On Procedure In
the House of Commons was issued on Tuesday. The most important of the recommendations of the Committee are :— (1) That, excepting Bills for imposing taxes, or Consolidated .......
The Abolition Of The Coal-tax Was Opposed By Mr. Harwood
and by several Unionist Members,:but on Mr. Asquith's reminding the House that it had been unanimously condemned by a Royal Commission, and that his predecessor had been pre-......
Bank • Rate, 4 Per Cent.
.Console (2i par Gent.) were on Friday 891.......
The Finance Bill Was Discussed In Committee On Tuesday. In
the course of the debate Mr. Austen Chamberlain, who was cordially received on his return to the House, subjected Mr. Asquith's Budget to a general criticism on the ground of......
Professor Sadler Contributes An Interesting Letter To The...
of the British Weekly in regard to the question of contracting out, which he strongly favours, not merely on the ground that such an arrangement would act as a safety-valve, but......
We Regret To Record The Death Of Mr. Michael Devitt,
which took place in Dublin on Thursday morning. Mr. Devitt, though essentially an extremist, and prepared to go great lengths to carry out his views, was, as is often seen in......
Later In The Evening The House Wandered Into A Discussion
of undendminational teaching, during which Mr. Birrell defended the syllabuses of the County Councils, and affirmed once more that they satisfied the great majority of parents.......
The King, Accompanied By The Queen, Formally Opened The New
buildings of the Hearts of Oak Benefit Society in the Euston Road last Saturday afternoon. In the interesting address read by Mr. Sim, the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies,......