Compounding For Rates.
['re TIM EDITOR OF Till ... SPECTATOR:1 Slit,—Yon have recently referred in your columns to the system of compounding for rates, and have pointed out how it tends to minimise......
"fencing The Table." • [to Triseditor Op P11 " Sprotator.1
SIR, , —When I was British chaplain at St. Petersburg a quarter of a century ago, and held occasional services at' great mills and factories many versts from the city, my little......
Rural Housing.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPRCTATOR." Srn,—The cost of construction here in Spain is materially lessened by the use of bricks about an inch in thickness laid endwise for partition......
Woman's Suffrage. [to The Editor Or Thr " Spilvtator." ....
were once reminded that there is a great deal of human nature in man. If the same might be conceded of woman, we should be saved much impertinence (using the word in a......