Sin,—Although I have been a reader of the Spectator for many years, the letter of the Rev. W. G. Spurrell in your issue of May 19th, escaped my notice until to-day (May 28th). In reply to his challenge, I enclose the syllabus of the Haverford-
west U.D. School Board, which, with the exception of an interval of eight years, 1890 to 1898, was Radical and Non- conformist during its whole existence. When the Noncon- formists recovered their majority in 1898, the only change they made was the substitution of a three years' course for an annual syllabus which had been in force for many years, I think twenty. The resolution passed by the Pembrokeshire County Council to which Mr. Spurrell refers was, if I remem- ber rightly, proposed by myself. It was certainly suggested by me, and as I have been all my life a warm advocate of religious teaching in our elementary schools, it would be absurd to regard it as intended to encourage " secular " education.—I am, Sir, &c., US. PHILLIPS
(Congregational Minister), Chairman of the late Haverfordwest School Board and Member of the Pembrokeshire Education Committee.
[We cannot find space to print the syllabus in full, but it appears, as far as we can judge, to provide a suitable scheme of religious instruction and Old and New Testament study.— ED. Spectator.]