SID,—Many of us thought that in returning a Liberal Govern- ment with an immense majority we were at any rate insuring the principles of Free-trade for the life of the present Parlia- ment. When the Labour Members introduced a Bill for the shutting out of alien workers during a strike not a single voice was raised in the House of Commons in support of pure political economy. It was left to a Protectionist House of Lords to defend Free-trade and throw out a Protectionist Bill. It does seem absurd for Liberals to start assailing the House of Lords for obstructing progress when they have only prevented a pernicious piece of Protection. I am a Free-trade Tory, and one who is grateful to the Spectator for almost alone championing our cause. I object to Protection, whether it is proposed by Mr. Keir Hardie or by Mr. Chamberlain; and the cause of Free-trade is in grave danger if its avowed
leaders, such as the Prime Minister, Mr. Asquith, and Mr. Lloyd-George, are prepared to abandon it at the dictation of the Labour Members. Let them remember their own criticisms of Mr. Balfour's surrender to Mr. Chamberlain, and in the meantime join in thanking the House of Lords for protecting Free-trade.—I am, Sir, &c.,