There is little definite news from Natal. The columns operating
against Bambaata have been split up into strong mobile commandos, and with them Colonel Mackenzie con- tinues to scour the country around Nkandhla. Colonel Leuchars was attacked on Monday in the Krantzkop district by an impi of six hundred, collected from the smaller rebel chiefs, and repulsed them with great loss. This is the most con- siderable fight which has as yet taken place. The rebels seem to have shown great courage and some tactical skill, but their shooting was bad, and our troops were never in serious danger. The Natal Government are said to consider that the backbone of the rebellion is broken; but the strength of the field force has been increased to a total of five thousand five hundred men, and they have accepted Mr. Abe Bailey's offer of a hundred and fifty irregulars for service. A general forward movement is being planned, which it is hoped will speedily end the campaign. General Ifartnell, who is on his way from England, will probably take the chief command.