Merchant Ships of the World. Edited by Frank C. Bowen
and F. J. N. Wedge. (Sampson Low. £3 3s. net.) This very remarkable and fascinating new book seeks to do for the world's merchantmen what the late Mr. Jane and his successors have done for the world's warships. It records for each country the shipowning firms with their ships arranged in order of tonnage, with details of the cargo-space, engines and equipment and, in many cases,'with photographs. Here one may see at a glance the mighty fleets of the Blue Funnel Line or the British India Company, the Cunard or the P. & 0., the Nippon Yusen Kubushiki Kaisha and the Osaka Shosen Kaisha, the United States Shipping Board—which leads the world in the mere numbers of its merchantmen—and others. The second part of the book is devoted to " Identification " ; all who love ships will delight in the elaborate tables by which one may, with a little practice, distinguish the vessels of, at any rate, the leading companies.