On Past Occasions The Wanderer Returning From Journeys To...
parts of the British Empire must have regretted the difficulty of readily obtaining Empire produce in London. The Imperially-minded Briton who attempted to apply his patriotic......
" To Eat Imperially " Is No Longer Impossible Now-a-
days, however, and to celebrate Empire Day last week was an Empire shopping week in many of the large London shops. The display in the windows of the Army and Navy Stores in......
In The Early Days Of Flying It Was Frequently Stated
that the flying-boat would be even more useful as a . means of transportation than the aeroplane or airship. Some imaginative writers described how in twenty-five years most......
• -- Doubtless There Were Eggs And Butter From The
Irish Free State, although they, escaped my attention ; but then perhaps the Irish farmer who makes a living by selling his products to the British market is not sufficiently......
Everyone Who Admires The Great Work That Sir Auckland -...
has accomplished in the past three years for the cause of English-speaking friendship will anxiously await the result of Dr. Wilnier's diagnosis concerning his patient's......
With The Purchase Of The Empire Review, By Commander Oliver
Locker-Lampson, M.P., we may look for inter- esting developments. The June issue of the Empire . Review lies before me, and if the editor can maintain this high standard at the......
The Page Memorial Fund.
THE following is the list of donations received by the English-Speaking Union and the Spectator for the Page Memorial Fund :— SIXTEENTH £ LIST s. d. OF DONATIONS. £ s. d. Sir......
During The Nineteenth Century Ignorance Of Greater...
conditions in British - dependencies oversea was perhaps excusable, for those were the days before we possessed wireless, cheap cables, and a well-informed periodical Press......