Art And Advertisement.
[To the Editor of the SpEeTaTort.] Sm„—Can you spare me a little of your valuable space to back up Mr. Harold Speed's letter on modern advertising ? I am entirely in agreement......
Keats And Catullus.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Is there any external evidence that Keats was acquainted with the poems of Catullus-? Internal evidence (or what looks uncommonly like it)......
The Cost Of Our Roads.
[To the Editor of the. SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Although I have read Lord Montagu's articles on our roads, I do not know that the question whether the country can afford to carry so much......
Mark Twain.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—I was surprised and pleased with parts of Mr. Kreym- borg's comments on Mark Twain in the Spectator of April 28th, not so much because of......