The Home of Boxing. By A. F. Bettinson and B. Bennison. (Odhams Press. 21s. net.) The Home of Boxing. By A. F. Bettinson and B. Bennison. (Odhams Press. 21s. net.) This volume is a successor to the National Sporting Club--- Past and Present, by the same authors and Mr. Outram Tristram. In a good, utilitarian prose they tell in sufficient detail the history of the last twenty years at the N.S.C., a history which they know better than anybody. in England. The book is not only useful for reference, but is fascinating reading for those who are really interested in boxing. The authors have a keen appreciation of personality, and they present the boxers not only in their fights, but as men. The book is written tolerantly but critically, and is wise on the causes of our present boxing mediocrity.