Occultism and Modern Science. By Konstantin Oesterreich. (Methuen. Es. net.)
Occultism and Modern Science. By Konstantin Oesterreich. (Methuen. Es. net.) This is a plea for scientific investigation of the case for occultism or parapsychology. The author is a German philosopher and seeks to introduce the subject into his country, where it has been less studied, perhaps, than in any other. The well-known cases of mediumship are examined and the pros and cons for their genuineness very fairly presented. This alone is refreshing after the usual nause sting literature which emanates from neurotic enthusiasts, or from scientists who have, for this subject at any rate, lost their sense of relative values. As regards the case of Eva C., the book was written before the consensus of scientific opinion was taken last summer, and the verdict of regurgitation returned.