We are delighted to know that an influential council has
been formed, with the full support of the British Red Cross Society, to conduct a British Empire Cancer Campaign. The ravages of cancer are terrible. Despite the progress of medical science, the disease is still the most common single cause of death in adults over thirty, and is probably increasing. In 1921 one out of every seven deaths, over the age of thirty, was due to cancer. To discover a cure we must first find the cause, which is, as yet, unknown. Much research work is being done, but more remains to do. The object of the new campaign is to co-ordinate and endow cancer research throughout the Empire, in the hope that by the combined efforts of British men of science the problem may be solved. Such a beneficent undertaking must command instant and universal approval. We need only add that contributions should be addressed to Sir Arthur Stanley at 19 Berkeley Street, or to any of the branches of Lloyds Bank, for the British Empire Cancer Campaign. * * * *