As tomorrow will be a holyday both at the Bank and the Stock Exchange, our preliminary report—such as it is—must terminate this afternoon. No material change has occurred in the prices of the English Funds; which have not fluctuated more than % per cent. An occasional pressure has been felt in the market from the predominance of money sales. Loans upon the security of English Stock have been sought after, at more than the usual rate of interest; but the supply of Stock thus created is fast disappearing, and money is much more abundant this after- noon. The premium of Exchequer Bills has continued nearly the same as last week. In the Foreign Market, scarcely any fluctuation of moment has occurred. Spanish Stock is rather firmer. Portuguese Bonds, which had fallen about 14 per cent upon receipt of the last news from Portugal, have since recovered, and are now nearly at our last. quotations. The intelligence was received through Spain one day before the arrival of the Lisbon mail; at though several attempts to sell were made by parties possessed of the information, no extensive bargains were effected, and the price declined without the occurrence of any business of importance.
The market for the better class of Shares has been of a very buoyant character; and during the last few days there has occurred quite a revival of speculation in almost every one of them • the improvement in price having varied from 1/. to 6L per share; and the upward movement continues today without the appearance of any reaction. The Scrip Shares are, however, with few exceptions, still neglected, with little signs of revival. The speculation above alluded to has been almost en- tirely. confined to the Shares of English Railways now in progress; neither the Belgian nor the French Shares having been to any extent affected.
The English Stocks have improved 1 per cent upon the closing quotations of Thursday, and the prices are firm at the advance, with but few transactions. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has risen; the others are •auchanged. The Railway Shares are still firm; but though the previous high quotations are gene- rally supported, the tendency to further improvement seems to have received a check. We have to notice the occurrence of the following transactions: Bir- mingham and Gloucester, 1254; Buckinghamshire, par; Caledonian, 744; Direct Northern, 34; Dublin and Galway, 21; Eastern Counties, 261 1; Ditto, New, 74 8; Ditto and York Extension, 14 premium; Milani, 157; North. British, 28; Ditto and Carlisle Extension, 2/; North Staffordshire, 44 %; Dutch Rhenish, 64 74; Louvain and Jemappe, 2; Constituted Paris and Lyons, 84.
No business of importance has occurred either in the English or Foreign Funds. Mexican Bonds are a little higher, and Spanish Stock slightly lower than in the morning. With these exceptions, prices are without variation. The Share Market has been in a state of great activity. With few exceptions the prices of Thursday have not been more than supported. The tone of the market, however, still appears to be good, and no sign of reaction can yet be noticed. Some of the Scrip Shares have been inquired after: many varieties which had for some time been unsaleable are now in current quotation, and appearances are more fa- vourable than at any period since the meeting of Parliament. We subjoin the record of actual business. Birmingham and Gloucester, 1254; Bristol and Exeter, 854; Ditto, New, 104 11; Eastern Counties 241 1 4; Ditto, New, 74 81; Great Western, 155 6; London and Birmingham, 226 9; Ditto, Thirds, 634; Lon- don and Brighton, 66% 64; London and Croydon, 231 4 4; London and South- western, 81 2 11; London and York, 24 2; Midland, 157 5 64; Portsmouth Direct, 4 31; South-eastern and Dover, 3984; Ditto, New: No. 1,194 201; York and Carlisle and North Midland, 102 4; Boulogne and Anuens, 124 1 ; Central of Spain, 4 1; Dutch-Rhenish, 7 64 71; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 151 4; Louvain and Jemeppe, 2 11; Lyons and Avignon, 24; Luxembourg, 21 ; Namur and Liege, 2 4; Orleans and Vierzon, 17; Orleans and Bordeaux 11%; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 84 8; Pans and Strasbourg, Constituted, 541
3 per Cent Consols Dittofor Account 3 per Cent Reduced 3+ per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chili= 6 per Cents prem. 96/ 1 964 604 j 971 101 3-16 2041 5 23 26 260 262 80 2 97 9 98 100 Columbian ex Venezuela... 161 Danish 3 per Cents 87 9 Dutch 21 per Cents 591. Ditto 4 per Cents 911 2+ Mexican 5 per Cents 324 Ditto Deferred 161 f Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 55 7
Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 . • • • 55 7 Russian 5 per Cents 109 111
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 241 5
Ditto 3 Cents 1842 364 I