The First Of May.
MAT-DAY, even in London ? is still celebrated, or partially cele- brated, by a few. The chimney-sweepers walk their rounds. Knots of ribbons are attached to the heads of the......
Cradle Civilization.
SONNET, ON READING THE APPEAL FOR WILDERSPIN, IN LAST SPECTATOR. The "leading men" in science or in art, Those whom the giddy thoughtless world deems great— The merchant kings,......
Short Deeds.
THE two objections urged by a correspondent, in aprevious page, against what we shall for the sake of brevity call with him "Lord Brougham's plan" for securing a system of short......
Spectator's Library.
Volume AND TRAVELS, Discoveries in Australia ; with an Account of the Coasts and Rivera Explored and Surveyed during the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, in the years......