Italian Opep.a.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sue—I have read your remarks, and those of your correspondent "Z. A.", on the subject of the Pit at the Opera. I quite agree with "Z. A.", that......
"short Deeds."
TO TFIE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Lincoln s Inn, April 27. Sui—Will you allow me to say, that your strong sense of the evils of our pre- sent prolix system of conveyancing ba.s......
Topics Of The Day.
DEATH-PUNISHMENT. THE speeches at the meeting to promote the abolition of death- punishment, on Wednesday last, were for the most part stronger in facts, and general just......
Public Amusements.
One would think that the town had nothing else to do but seek amuse- ments, and were never tired of those that have so often delighted them; judging, at least from the quantity......