2 MAY 1896, Page 2

M. Mane has formed a Moderate Ministry, with M. Hanotaux

as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and, in a terribly windy declaration to the Chamber, has announced that his Government will put down revolutionary designs, will work with the Senate though the Chamber is to remain " pre- psnderant," will oppose all projects of Revision, and will substitute for M. Bourgeois' Income.tax taxes upon the sources of income. The Radicals attacked the new Cabinet fiercely on Thursday, but M. Moline secured, in a most unusually full House, a majority of 43 (299 to 256). The Chamber was then adjourned to May 28th, so that the Government obtains a recess of a month in which to pre- pare its plans, and perhaps to test the direction of public (pinion. The pivot of discussion in the constituencies will be the expediency and the danger of Revision.