2 MAY 1896, page 3

Military Law Is Of Great Importance In Germany, As In

every country with a conscription, and the Prussians have of late years greatly desired two particular reforms. These are pub- licity in the proceedings of military Courts, as......

We Have Taken The Strongest Possible Line Against The...

of the German Emperor in South African affairs, but we can see no common-sense in the suspicious jealousy just now manifested as to German emigration there. Germans are......

Mr. Hodgson Pratt, In The Letter We Publish In Another

column on a general Court of Arbitration for the settlement of disputes between nations without war, seems to think that any difference between nations which had not actually......

One Of The Two Men In Custody On The Charge

of having been concerned in the murder of Mr. Henry Smith at Muswell Hill on the night of February 13th, namely, Albert Milson, has made a confession of his share in the......

The Managers Of The Press Club Were Rather Fortunate On

S aturday, for at their annual dinner they managed to secure, -among other guests, the Speaker, Lord Wolseley, Mr. John Morley, and Sir F. Lockwood. Neither Lord Wolseley nor......

The List Of Shareholders In The Chartered Company Made Up

to July 6th, 1895, is now lying on the table of the House of Commons. At that date there were 14,781 shareholders owning the 2,000,000 £1 shares. Among these are many......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

New Consols (2k) were on Thursday, 111j. •......