2 MAY 1896, page 25

Egpytian Decorative Art. By W. M. Flinders Petrie....

most clear and succinct history of the growth of Egyptian art is Mr. Petrie's little volume. It is copiously illustrated by scarabs, walls, ceilings, and other structural......

The Harp Of The Scottish Covenant. Collected And Edited By

Sohn Macfarlane. (Alexander Gardner.)—These collections of verse have always a special interest when they are centred in one object. The "Solemn League and Covenant" is one of......

Dagonet Abroad. By George R. Sims. (chatto And Winans.) —we

do not know whether " Dagonet " can exactly be called an u Innocent," but the title which Mr. Sims has given to his book naturally suggests Mark Twain's well-known volume. "......

Memoirs Of A Student. By Algernon Taylor. (simpkin,...

Co.)—This volume of curious odds and ends of thought and anecdote was first printed for private circulation. Its author now gives it with " diffidence" to the public. Who be is......

In A Hollow Of The Hills. By Bret Harte. (chapman

and Hall.) —The character of Collinson. of Collinson's Mill, his simplicity, good faith, courage, and touching belief, born of his own honesty, in the wife who has deceived him,......

A Yachting Cruise In Norway. By The Parson And The

Lawyer. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—" A yachting cruise " means, not a cruise in a private yacht - the private yacht non cuivis contingit — bnt in one of the joint-stock enterprises, so......

A Month's Madness. By Harold Vallings. (bentley And Son.)...

is a curious book, carrying out in a way what might make an interesting record. There are states of delirium wherein the imagination works in an orderly fashion. If one could......

Sport On The Pamirs, And Turkistan Steppes. By Major C.

S. Cumberland. (Blackwood.)—This is a very bright, informing, and, above all, " real " book. In the year 1839, the author, Major C. S. Cumberland, "carried out a long-projected......

Current Literature.

Traces of Past and Present. By the Rev. R. Staveley. (W. McGee, Dublin.)—This is a book of anecdotes, in a way entertain- ing, but hardly as funny as we should expect a......