2 OCTOBER 1830, Page 3

Letters from Perpignan, of the 20th of September, mention the

arrival on the previous day of General MILANs. The refu- gees are hastening from all quarters to join him. There is a con- siderable display of force in Biscay, consisting of Royalist Volun- teers and Militia, meant to hold the patriots in check. Risings of the Carlists are said to have taken place at Arenas and at Burgos. Several desertions have occurred in FERDINAND'S troops. A captain, seven subalterns, and ninety soldiers, lately arrived at Oleron from Jacae and they stated that more would soon follow them. Some disputes have taken place among the Liberal officers, each of whom was inclined to contend for the honour of leading his countrymen: the selection was at length narrowed to MINA and EL PASTOR, when the latter nobly waived his pretensions, and MINA was in consequence established in the supreme coin- inand. The whole number of the Constitutionalists does not ex- ceed three thousand five hundred. Considerable changes have been reported as in contemplation in the Spanish Ministry. The Queen expected to be confined in the end of September; the chief physician had received orders to sleep in the palace. An heir to FERDINAND would be a blbw to the hopes of his brother and the Carlist faction. It is now asserted that the King will take advan- tage of the birth of an heir to convoke the Cortes, and behave like a good constitutional King in all time corning. How often has this been said?