2 OCTOBER 1830, page 12

Topics Op The Day.

DUTY OF ENGLAND IN REGARD TO BELGIUM. Is England called on to interfere in the dispute between the King of the Netherlands and his subjects ? Will she interfere ? These are......

Postscript To The Week's News.

SPECTATOR OFFICE, SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK. We have just received a Brussels paper (the Newsfrom Home) of the 29th of September, one day later than the previous ac- counts. Every......

Wilts Of Ti1e Royal Society.—from A Paragraph In The Lite-

rary Gazette of this morning, we perceive there are still considerable differences to be arranged among the members' of the Royal Society. The minutes of the Society are still......

The Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING,—The difficulties which lately involved the affaits of Belgium have been-so much increased by the late attack on Brus- sels, and its subsequent......