Adelaide, Baroness Ribblesdale. Engraved By E. Scriven...
Assenzblee, from a Painting by Mrs. CARPENTER. There is nothing very striking in this portrait, except that the mouth is on one side, which spoils the look of a very pretty......
National Portrait Gallery. Part Xviii.
We are glad to observe an evident improvement in the execution of the plates of this . number, which are engraved in the chalk manner. The portraits are all from LAWRENCE and......
The Vicar Of Wakefield. Painted By G. S. Newroiv, Engraved
by JOHN BumItrr. This is an admirable picture, of sterling merit, and is worthy of Kra . NEWT ox's well - earned fame. There is an integrity about his style,. which depends for......
Illustrations Of The Waverley Novels.
WE are really tired of making exceptions to the plates of this work ; which are anything but illustration; and hardly come up to the charac- ter of embellishments. In a recent......
Sir H. Halford, Bart. Engraved By Turner, From A Painting
by Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE. An intelligent countenance, with strong perceptive faculties, a scru- tinizing look, and a pleasing urbanity of character. The mezzotint is flat and......
Sir Humphry Davy,' Bart. Engraved By Robert Newton, From A
Picture by Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE. Sensitiveness mixed with feebleness and an almost morbid excitement are expressed in this face, especially in the eyes, which render the coun-......
Pompeiana Part Iv.
It is curious to observe the contrast afforded in the pictures discovered at Pompeii, by he refinement of the style and propriety of sentiment in their designs, and the rudeness......
New Portraits.:
The Princess Victoria, Engraved by RICHARD GOULDING, from painting by WILLIAM FOWLER. The original picture from which this print is engraved, was the occa- sion, we believe, of......