2 OCTOBER 1926, Page 3

In Canada,. Mr. Mackenzie King's new Cabinet , has been formed,

and an interesting, result of the Liberal- Progressive: alliance is that Mr. Robert Forke becomes Minister of Immigration. The Western farmers are naturally pleased at getting themselves thus successfully represented in the Government. The feeling throughout the country is one of relief that stability is ttt last promised through a Government having a satisfactory majority ; and as trade is noticeably improving everybody looks forward to a period of quietness and progress. Mr. Meighen has retired both from Parliament and from the leadership of-the Conservative Party, and it is not yet known who his successor will be. His last act before retiring was to pledge the assistance of his party .so that the -early business of the Government might be accelerated, and Mr. Mackenzie King might be set free to attend the Imperial Conference. We are glad to say that one of Mr. King's fellow-delegates to the Con- ference will be Mr. Vincent Massey, about whom we publish a letter. this week. * *