The Miners' Delegate Conference Came To No Conclusion • On
Wednesday and when we write on Thursday it has not yet been decided whether the Executive of the Federation shall be instructed to accept the Government's offer or whether the......
News Of The Week
W HEN the Miners' Delegate Conference met on Wed- nesday there was only one question before them which mattered. Should they or should they not accept the Government's offer of......
Let Us Look Back Over The Other Principal Events Of
the week. When we wrote in our last number the miners had just produced proposals which were tentative but which showed a readiness for such concessions as would not have been......
Now, It May Be Said That If This Proposal Had
been made by the miners a few months or even weeks ago, there would have been an immediate peace. Unfortunately, owing to the madness of Mr. Cook and Mr. Herbert Smith, the......
Whatever The Truth May Be, The Miners Were In The
end Offered an apparatus of national revision which goes a 1 "g wail towards ineeting_their wishes. It is true that the wile*: 3chich Mr. Churchill lid . forward . dtiring2Mr.......
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