2 OCTOBER 1926, page 2

Much The Most Important Speech In The Debate Of Monday

was that of Mr. Churchill, who in these last days has appeared in a conciliatory role, and has acted not only with zeal, but with much perception and resource. He threw a new......

M. Poineare Went On To Speak Of French Finances Au

the foreign debts. It was remarkable that he said noth . about the rapid stabilization of the franc. It will remembered that the Report of the Experts, which M. Poincare's......

• In The House Of Commons On Tuesday The. Prime

Minister stated that General Yang Sen had restored one of the two steamers recently seized on the Yangtze and was apparently about to restore the other. Directly the second......

In The House Of Commons On Tuesday The Debate Was

continued. Mr. Hartshorn made an interesting speech, full of information as his speeches generally are, but it failed to be practical because it referred mainly to the miners'......

* * M. Poincare Has Made Two Speeches, One Last

Sunday at S. Germain and the other at Bar-le-Due on Monday, which are worth attention because they are the first public declarations made by any member of the new French......

If Herr Stresemann, The German Minister Of Foreign...

correctly reported last Week he was guilty of a serious error of judgment in raising the question of War-guilt as an immediate sequel to Germany's entry into the League: What we......

Now, It May Be Said That If This Proposal Had

been made by the miners a few months or even weeks ago, there would have been an immediate peace. Unfortunately, owing to the madness of Mr. Cook and Mr. Herbert Smith, the......

We Are Glad To Be Able To Think, However, That

Herr Stresemann may have said much less than was attributed to him. The Paris correspondent of the Manchester Guardian states that no notes were taken - of the speech at the......

This Attitude Of Mr. Baldwin Towards The Miners'...

more or less described in a brief letter which he sent to them on Friday, September 24th. The defect of the letter was that it omitted to mention that the only cause of the......