2 OCTOBER 1936, Page 38

"The Spectator" Crossword NO-.-2I0

(A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery.] ACROSS United action is a safe opener !

9. A well-read animal !

13. Turns any mass to slough.

14. At' the bottom of a con- tinent.

15. This general effect is achieved by an anti-aircraft gun 1 16. Doze in it.

17. In a mosque.

.18. A burning question for the law.

20. rev. Parts from a curve ?

21. Bridges formerly held this - not a stage-coach !

24. The thing to do on a baseball diamond, is dastardly on the road. (Three words.) 28. rev. Closely related with a microbe.

29. Vestment which is secretly appropriated.

30. You won't find this a com- • mon thing !

31. An obese drink !

33. rev. " Yond light is not day- light, I know it, I : It is some meteor that the sun . . . VP

35. rev. Quick-witted pain ?

36. Fit costume for a person who is drunk ?

DOWN - 2. rev. A head treatment that is more humbug than anything else. , 3; It is generally agreed that this insect comes up to scratch !

4. Prominent person with ability.


5. Slang.

6. Electrified particles into which a substance is broken up.

7. Mountain Spinach.

8. Things known.

9. Rubs leg (anag.).

10. Heroically but unsuccess- fully defended against the Mandi.

11. " She . . . a wreath of roses, The night that first we met."

12. Ore of a metal.

14. When you have to run at full speed you're sure to make an impression 1 19. Superlatively sensible.

22. Kind of silk fOund in a Chapter of the Koran ?

23. The right person to be on a cheque, no doubt

25. High tone.

26. A foreign three.

27. rev. Julius Caesar did not • want men about him that were this.

32. My first is unchecked in 1, my second in 9.

34. rev. One out of six.,